Racial Inequity in Incarceration: The Need for Comprehensive Reforms

<p>There is a pressing need to address the issue of racial inequity in incarceration. It is shocking to learn that &ldquo;<strong>one in five&rdquo;</strong>&nbsp;Black men is likely to be incarcerated during their lifetime, demonstrating a systemic problem that perpetuates racial disparities within the criminal justice system. This essay aims to shed light on this issue and emphasize the urgent need for comprehensive reform to eliminate racial inequity in incarceration. If you believe only criminals are in prison then this essay may not be for you! But, if you care about equality, fairness, and justice in a color-blind justice system, then keep reading with an open mind and an open heart. This is not a liberal victim&rsquo;s sonnet &ndash; this is an article with a purpose to inform.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/the-polis/racial-inequity-in-incarceration-the-need-for-comprehensive-reforms-1830abebc4f8"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>