Tag: Individuals

The Power of Presence: Honoring the Invaluable Contributions of Quiet Individuals in Meetings

In the hustle and bustle of corporate meetings, it’s easy to overlook those who don’t speak up as often. Yet, their presence, their silent contributions, often hold immense power and depth. 1. The Quiet Phenomenon Not everyone thrives in vocalizing their thoughts or standing at the...

How does artistry of and at the border change its impact on individuals?

So goes the chant of the fear-mongering politicians keen to use billions of dollars for a dangerous wall instead for, say, healthcare or schools. For a bit of (terrifying) fun, you can read “Trump’s Evolving Words on the Wall,” an NYT compilation of Trump tweets, speeches, and inte...

Retirement and Estate Planning for Broke Individuals — Due

Having a say in how your estate is distributed is essential to your estate planning. Although it may seem daunting, saving your loved ones thousands of dollars will likely be worth the effort now. In short, you and your family can benefit from estate planning regardless of your net worth. Desp...

ChatGPT as Assistive Tech: How AI is Improving Accessibility for Neurodiverse Individuals

Neurodiversity is a term used to describe the range of differences in brain function and development that exist among individuals. For neurodiverse individuals, social communication, anxiety, organization, and time management can be challenging areas to navigate. However, with the help of advanced t...

Zodiac Signs and Love(6): Who is the Most Challenging Zodiac Sign to Break Up With and the Easiest to Break Up With?

Cancer individuals are deeply attached to their loved ones and can find it extremely challenging to initiate a breakup. They may try to salvage the relationship or silently endure the pain of a failing one. This isn’t always because they’re still in love, but rather a fear of loneli...

Individuals Altogether, Capable Of Change

The cold persists in the season of the Water Bearer. But no matter how harsh the weather feels, no matter how dark it seems, we endure. When Capricorn season bid us farewell, the sky graced us with a Sun-Pluto conjunction, a Mercury-Jupiter trine, and a Venus-Neptune square on the 19th prompting us ...

Should individuals own their own DNA?

At first glance, something as personal as an individual’s DNA might seem a clear candidate for heritable ownership: every person is born with a specific set of genes that effectively defines who they are and that can’t be exported or replicated without their consent. However, under curre...

Why Some Individuals Can’t ‘See’ Anything When They Close Their Eyes

As you read this, take a quick look around and pick an object that catches your eye. Give it a good look. Stare at it for a while. Now close your eyes. Do you still see it? Can you picture it in your mind? How does it look? Is it as vivid as the real thing? Do the colors and lines and shapes and tex...