Should individuals own their own DNA?

<p>At first glance, something as personal as an individual&rsquo;s DNA might seem a clear candidate for heritable ownership: every person is born with a specific set of genes that effectively defines who they are and that can&rsquo;t be exported or replicated without their consent. However, under current law, individuals do not own their DNA or any other body tissue to that extent &ndash; and correctly so. DNA is naturally occurring and can&rsquo;t be manipulated outside of a laboratory, so no one has initial control over it. And if they did own it, some unwanted implications would immediately arise. Furthermore, any concerns over how it is used in research or databases can be better addressed by regulations on the fields of privacy and tort law, rendering property law ineffective on matters of the human genetic code.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>