Tag: Immigrants

I Am the Daughter of Immigrants

My youngest has been with me through the day. I spent the day with Mama and daddy. I didn’t realize my daughter was with me, until she commented on me calling Mama “Mommy,” she never heard me call her Mommy. Anyhow, I suppose if anyone was going to be with me while I was with Mama ...

Can We Please Stop $h!tting on Immigrants

Now isn’t a great time to be an immigrant in the United States. We’re letting families live in unsanitary and exposed tent cities. We’re stopping federal agents from saving migrant lives. The cops are prosecuting immigrants for being victims of police brutality....

Rediscovering Lost Traditions — The Journey of Second Generation Immigrants

It’s after middle school morning basketball practice. As the point guard for our middle school B team, I often found myself more as a spectator than a star player. Yet, my love for basketball ran deep. It wasn’t just about the game; it was about belonging. Excelling on the court wasn&rsq...

Illegal Immigrants

I know you have a dream A dream of moving to a New country even though It can get you killed But you still dare to dream. I know you have a dream A dream of crossing all The hurdles even though Those hurdles can turn Your life into death But you still dare to dream. Visit Now

Immigrants are Coming to Get What We Stole

Not into extreme wealth, my parents came from nothing and my father’s work ethic elevated us to upper-middle-class, but the prevalence of white privilege in the southern African country gave him endless opportunities to do so. I wanted for nothing as a child. I moved into my childhood home ...

“Good” Immigrants

Igrew up in a suburb on the north shore of Lake Michigan in Illinois during the 1970s and 80s that was much like the one in the movie that Breakfast Club was based on. The median income of my first high school , New Trier, today stands at an astonishing $178,581[1], more than double the me...