Tag: Horrific

Emperor Commodus’s Truly Horrific Acts Throughout His Rule

Some names stick out in the contest for the most undesirable Roman emperor ever. Consider Caligula, whose extramarital affairs and perversions are still talked about today. Or Nero, who gained notoriety for his ruthlessness and is said to have done nothing but play his lyre as Rome melted to the gro...

The Most Horrific Story You Will Ever Read

Hollywood super-producer Bob Evans said “Luck is when timing meets preparation.” If we follow Bob’s logic, then what is the recipe for profound misfortune? Is it still about timing, or is it about chaos? Is it that last moment when set plans change? What do we even call it?&nb...

Let’s Talk Honestly About DeSantis’ Horrific Record

Living under Ron DeSantis has been a living nightmare. Take it from me, a Floridian. If you don’t understand why I say that, keep reading. I’ve been keeping a record. But I’ve also always been fair, as you’ll soon see. As a Floridian, DeSantis scares the hell out of ...

5 Facts That Expose Thomas Jefferson’s Horrific Abuse of Sally Hemings

I become furious when I read comments like this: “I concede that there was a power gap between Sally Hemings and Thomas Jefferson.” Oh, it’s a “concession” to call it a “power gap?” Are you trying to imply that description is somehow accurate? How abou...