5 Facts That Expose Thomas Jefferson’s Horrific Abuse of Sally Hemings

<p>I become furious when I read comments like this:</p> <p>&ldquo;I concede that there was a power gap between Sally Hemings and Thomas Jefferson.&rdquo;</p> <p>Oh, it&rsquo;s a &ldquo;concession&rdquo; to call it a &ldquo;power gap?&rdquo; Are you trying to imply that description is somehow accurate? How about &ldquo;power chasm?&rdquo; How about recognizing that the distance between the power Jefferson held and the power Hemings held was basically infinite because her power was effectively zero.</p> <p><a href="https://readcultured.com/5-facts-that-expose-thomas-jeffersons-horrific-abuse-of-sally-hemings-c41ed5d2a571"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>