Tag: Hooks

Exploring Advanced Component Patternsin React: Render Props, Component Composition, and Hooks

In the dynamic realm of React development, mastering component patterns is important to wielding a craftsman’s toolkit. Just as a skilled carpenter selects the right tools for each task, a proficient React developer chooses the most suitable patterns to construct elegant and efficient user int...

10 Clever Custom React Hooks You Need to Know About

Hooks have revolutionized the way we write React components by enabling us to use state and lifecycle features in functional components. But why stop at just useState and useEffect? In this article, we will explore 10 clever hooks that can help you level up your React game and c...

Elevate Your Python Projects: Automate Five Key Development Tasks with Pre-Commit Hooks

you’ve spent days perfecting your Python code, meticulously crafting every function and class to create a masterpiece. But just as you’re about to push it to your repository, you realise — a sinking feeling in your stomach — that there might be lurking bugs, style violations,...