Elevate Your Python Projects: Automate Five Key Development Tasks with Pre-Commit Hooks

<p>you&rsquo;ve spent days perfecting your Python code, meticulously crafting every function and class to create a masterpiece. But just as you&rsquo;re about to push it to your repository, you realise &mdash; a sinking feeling in your stomach &mdash; that there might be lurking bugs, style violations, or even security vulnerabilities hiding within your carefully crafted code. What if there was a way to catch these issues before they ever make it to the repository, saving you countless hours of debugging and headaches? Enter the realm of&nbsp;pre-commit hooks&nbsp;&mdash; a powerful ally in the battle for clean, error-free code.</p> <p>In this article, we&rsquo;ll dive headfirst into the world of pre-commit hooks for Python, exploring the best libraries to automate five parts of your Python development process, from code style to analysing complexity, and from testing to documentation.</p> <h1>A quick primer in pre-commit hooks</h1> <p>Pre-commit hooks&nbsp;are small scripts that are run when you commit code to your branch, for example for static type checking (mypy), code style checks (flake8) or automated re-formatting (Black, end-of-file-fixer, pretty-format-json). To use pre-commit hooks, you&rsquo;ll need the following:</p> <ul> <li>Pre-commit needs to be installed (<code>pip install pre-commit</code>).</li> <li>A&nbsp;<code>.pre-commit-config.yaml</code>&nbsp;file in the top-level dir of your Python project that specifies the hooks that you want to use.</li> <li>You need to install the pre-commit hooks that you have configured(<code>pre-commit install</code>).</li> </ul> <p><a href="https://python.plainenglish.io/elevate-your-python-projects-automate-five-key-development-tasks-with-pre-commit-hooks-81621b57a388">Visit Now&nbsp;</a></p>