Tag: Hook

The Real Difference Between useMemo and memo in React

Introduction: React useMemo Hook vs. memo HOC React, the popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, provides a suite of tools and techniques to optimize the performance of your applications. Among them, useMemo and memo are two commonly used t...

4 Different Examples of the useState Hook in React

useState is a widely used hook in React. Almost every component you develop in React involves state. In this post, I am going to show you four different use cases of the useState hook. I am assuming you have a basic knowledge of React and state. If not, visit the docs to ...

Unleash the Power of React Custom Hooks: Your First Dive into Simplicity

Have you ever felt like your React components could use a bit of decluttering? Do you find yourself repeating code patterns and longing for a cleaner, more efficient way to manage your state and logic? If so, you’re not alone. I, too, once grappled with these challenges until I stumbled upon a...

What Sandy Hook did to me

My daughter was seven months old when I dropped her off for her first day of daycare on December 14, 2012. I handed her into the arms of a stranger, went home and tried to work. That afternoon the news came. Twenty first-graders and six adults. Massacred. They had to DNA match a kid’s ha...

Modeling the Motion of a Grappling Hook With a Rope

So, what makes this problem fun and also challenging? If you just threw a grappling hook (or ball) upwards without a string, it’s just plain projectile motion (assuming you ignore air resistance). However, with a rope the hook will have an extra interaction with the different parts of rope as ...