What Sandy Hook did to me
<p>My daughter was seven months old when I dropped her off for her first day of daycare on December 14, 2012.</p>
<p>I handed her into the arms of a stranger, went home and tried to work. That afternoon the news came.</p>
<p>Twenty first-graders and six adults. Massacred. They had to DNA match a kid’s hand that they found on the floor, because a round from an AR-15 blows six-year-olds apart like carnival ducks.</p>
<p>When I picked up my daughter that day, the creature who ran the daycare informed me proudly that she was “pro-gun.” We never went back.</p>
<p><a href="https://valrendel-88615.medium.com/what-sandy-hook-did-to-me-8248829e049b"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>