Tag: Homophobic

I Am Not Homophobic, I Just Don’t Like to See Public Affection

This weekend, I was celebrating my friend Carly’s birthday. She decided to celebrate it in a popular restaurant in my city and have dinner with a group of friends with our partners (most of them from the LGTBQ+ community). At some point during the dinner, Carly’s girlfriend Jane surpr...

“I Am Not Homophobic, I Just Don’t Like to See Public Affection”

This weekend, I was celebrating my friend Carly’s birthday. She decided to celebrate it in a popular restaurant in my city and have dinner with a group of friends with our partners (most of them from the LGTBQ+ community). At some point during the dinner, Carly’s girlfriend Jane surpr...

A Homophobic Pastor Who Claimed Straight People Can’t Get COVID Just Got It For The Third Time

Christian Pastor Thomas Philbertson of Tulsa just announced he will be taking a two-week break from pastoral duties due to infection from the coronavirus. While this would usually be a sad story to report, the irony of Mr. Philbertson’s positive COVID test is, frankly, hilarious. Philber...

Disowned On Xmas Day By My Homophobic Family: One Year Later

You know that feeling when you accidentally ram your toe into the nightstand as you shuffle back from the bathroom in the middle of the night? You know what I’m talking about. That excruciating, sobering, godforsaken sensation that can only be rivalled by unintentionally biting your tong...

A Homophobic Televangelist Claims His Gay Sex Tape Is “All A Big Misunderstanding”

“Folks, you know me, I’m probably the biggest fan and disciple of the book of Leviticus in the country, let alone our humble state of Arkansas,” said Palermo. “I love Leviticus so much I even named our beloved church after it. And I read from Leviticus every day. And my favor...