Tag: Holes

Solution Holes In The Florida Everglades

Florida is one of the most densely freshwater-spring populated landmasses on the planet. But the hidden springs of Everglades National Park, where solution holes tap the aquifer, have managed to thrive in and beyond the practically impenetrable thickets of wilderness that usually ensconce their glor...

The Gaping Hole in the U.S. Constitution

Donald Trump has a knack for proposing the preposterous and for defending the indefensible. Just yesterday, Trump and his legal team presented their arguments in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia regarding Trump’s claim of presidential immunity. The question was asked i...

Stars alone can’t explain black holes, JWST data reveals

Today, even the most massive of the known black holes represent only about 0.1% of the stellar mass of the galaxy: just one-thousandth of the amount of mass found by summing up all the stars in the galactic environment surrounding it. For a long time, astronomers have wondered just how these superma...

Inside Black Hole

When we go from R=4/3×G×M/c² in the left direction to R=0, the period of rotation significantly increases up to infinity, meaning the core of the Black Hole stops. Then friction inside the Black Hole will slow down and eventually stop the whole Black Hole. It turns ou...

New Explanation of Black Hole Images, Without Holes in Spacetime

The mainstream used Newton’s formula (and its variations from Einstein and Schwarzschild) for gravitational acceleration a = G×M/R², circular velocity v = sqrt(G×M/R), and escape velocity ev = sqrt(2G×M/R), to say that for a massive and dense ste...

What was it like when supermassive black holes arose?

One of the biggest challenges for modern astrophysics is to describe how the Universe went from a uniform place without planets, stars, or galaxies to the rich, structured, diverse cosmos we see today. Not just with a general story, mind you, but in gory detail, going not only as far back as we can ...

It Takes Two Black Holes to Tango

Just like humans, black holes come in singles and pairs. And when a third black hole joins an existing pair, the three-body dynamics is often chaotic. Again, just as in human relationships. Most galaxies host a supermassive black hole at their center. This is the case for our Milky-Way galaxy and...

There are 40 quintillion black holes in our Universe

Black holes are wondrous objects, but how many are out there? Made famous by the movie Interstellar, this depiction of a black hole seen edge-on with respect to its accretion disk in a highly-curved spacetime shows the substantial spacetime-bending power of a black hole. Close to the event ho...

What was it like when supermassive black holes arose?

One of the biggest challenges for modern astrophysics is to describe how the Universe went from a uniform place without planets, stars, or galaxies to the rich, structured, diverse cosmos we see today. Not just with a general story, mind you, but in gory detail, going not only as far back as we can ...

How low-mass black holes bend space the most

One of the most mind-bending concepts about the Universe itself is that gravity isn’t due to some unseen, invisible force, but comes about because the matter and energy in the Universe bends and distorts the very fabric of space itself. Matter and energy tell space how to curve; that curved sp...

New Explanation of Black Hole Images, Without Holes in Spacetime

The mainstream used Newton’s formula (and its variations from Einstein and Schwarzschild) for gravitational acceleration a = G×M/R², circular velocity v = sqrt(G×M/R), and escape velocity ev = sqrt(2G×M/R), to say that for a massive and dense ste...

What was it like when supermassive black holes arose?

One of the biggest challenges for modern astrophysics is to describe how the Universe went from a uniform place without planets, stars, or galaxies to the rich, structured, diverse cosmos we see today. Not just with a general story, mind you, but in gory detail, going not only as far back as we can ...