Tag: Hindus

The Overwhelmingly Vast Majority of Hindus Are Not Nazis

Explaining my religion is complicated. I was raised Wiccan or Neo-Pagan, and my family on that side is mostly Catholic. My family on the other side is mostly Protestant. I am a practicing Hindu. I came to be a practicing Hindu, not through simply deciding to be a Hindu, but by pursuing ...

Why 1.2 billion Hindus around the world celebrate Diwali?

Diwali also known as the festival of lights is the biggest festival for Hindu religion. Celebrating Diwali originates from a very ancient epic tale, “Ramayana” which tells the story of Hindu Lord Rama. Lord Rama was born as a prince, son of the eldest queen in the kingdom of Ayodhy...

Hindu Philosophy: A Comprehensive Guide

Vedanta philosophy is one of the oldest and most influential branches of Hinduism. Rooted in the teachings found in Upanishads, which are part of an ancient Hindu scripture known as Vedas, it has been (and still remains) hugely influential over generations by delving deep into understanding reality ...

Questions to Hindus — Part 2

This is not an attempt to defame the religion, but an attempt to understand the religion better. I had previously asked a few questions on Hinduism in this article if you’re interested. Before I get to the question, let me tell you a couple of stories in Hindu literature. These...

Why do Hindus apply Tilak?

Last night I went to a nearby temple in my society for the evening aarti, a Hindu religious ritual of worship. Many residents living in the community had come to offer their prayers to the almighty. I sat in a corner with other families. I started listening to the religious bhajans...