Why do Hindus apply Tilak?

<p>Last night I went to a nearby temple in my society for the evening&nbsp;<em>aarti,&nbsp;</em>a Hindu religious ritual of worship. Many residents living in the community had come to offer their prayers to the almighty. I sat in a corner with other families.</p> <p>I started listening to the religious&nbsp;<em>bhajans&nbsp;</em>or devotional songs, being sung by the society members. Suddenly, I heard an interesting conversation between a boy around seven years old, with his dad.</p> <p>The father managed to clarify a few of the doubts but was unsuccessful in keeping the momentum alive for too long as his son kept asking more and more questions. Finally, he gave up and told his son to play with other kids.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/the-logical-hindu/significance-of-a-tilak-be4faf97d"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Hindus apply