Tag: heroin

My son overdosed on heroin (and survived)

It’s 1 a.m. on a Wednesday, and Josh, my husband since we were too young to buy a beer, is just home from a hectic night at the restaurant. He cracks the bedroom door and waves a hand. “Hello, goodnight, I’m going to play a quick game of Madden,” he says. “I need to unw...

I’ll Try Heroin Once, I said, but it Turned Into an 18-year Addiction

The language in this article may trigger anyone who has ever struggled with opiates. Sitting at the back of the bus, I’m both excited and afraid. Am I going to die from a heroin overdose? Or am I going to have the best night of my life? I was the one who insisted we should try heroin, so I ...

“I’ll Try Heroin Once,” I said, but it Turned Into an 18-year Addiction

Sitting at the back of the bus, I’m both excited and afraid. Am I going to die from a heroin overdose? Or am I going to have the best night of my life? I was the one who insisted we should try heroin, so I can’t back out now. As we joked around on the bus — five skinny teenagers...

SBIRT- a practical solution to substance use disorder including opioid and heroin abuse.

In light of the current opioid epidemic and increasing heroin and synthetic opioid problem plaguing our youth, many are asking, “What can we do about this growing problem?” One potential answer is the Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT), a comprehensive eviden...

My sister: heroin addict, liar, thief and friend

That’s what I thought about my older sister Sharon in 1984. I’ve since reevaluated. The Opioid Crisis that’s sweeping the country is disturbing. So many people are getting sucked into the quagmire of addiction. But if I were to try and find a silver lining it is this: the public...

How to do user research when your user is a heroin addict

Where do we find some heroin addicts to speak to? This was the question that my team and I were faced with when building an opioid treatment program. The answer to that question turned out to be surprising. As a bit of background here, I’ve spent the last 3 years working with my team to bui...