How to do user research when your user is a heroin addict

<p>Where do we find some heroin addicts to speak to? This was the question that my team and I were faced with when building an opioid treatment program. The answer to that question turned out to be surprising.</p> <p>As a bit of background here, I&rsquo;ve spent the last 3 years working with my team to build digital-first treatment programs for substance addiction &mdash; namely for people addicted to tobacco, alcohol and opioids (including heroin). Our treatment programs bring together digital (mobile apps, clinician tools, connected devices); human (clinicians, counsellors, coaches, care coordinators); and physical (medication, lab testing) elements of care to help people manage and hopefully overcome their substance use.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: heroin Addicts