Tag: Heal

It Took Me 8 Years to Want to Heal & Healing Didn't Increase My Value

If I’m being honest with you, I didn’t even know I was being raped until a case worker assigned this title to the abuse I was experiencing. Because my abuse began at five years old, that thirteen-year-old girl in her office had no experience with a life without rape. For who I was the...

The Street Art That Is Helping Berlin To Heal

When I learned that Globetrotters Monthly Challenge theme this August would be Street Art, my mind instantly travelled there: Berlin. Berlin! I have been there twice, and the first time I was there I noticed one specific thing about the capital of Germany: It feels guilt, a lot of guilt...

If We all Made Our Living By Helping People it Would Heal the World

We live in a busy world filled with social and ecological injustice. If you are a socially conscious person, you probably ask yourself frequently what you can do to be of the greatest service to others. Finding ways to help people in our everyday lives through acts of service to the less fortunate, ...

Travel to the Underworld to Heal Past Traumas.

The Mayans might consider it a place of fright since the darkness of underground caves can be scary. But also in the still, dark quiet here you are with yourself. In this space, you’re more likely to be confronted with things you might never have wanted to look at. But they’re things ...

How Reiki Can Help You Heal, Awaken and Connect to Your Soul

For those unfamiliar with reiki, it’s a form of energy healing meant to clear emotional blocks from the energy centers in your body. If you’re not spiritual, this might sound a bit strange to you, but I promise you there is energy in your body whether you are aware of it or not. And the ...

Our Wounds Will Heal

Justice finally arrived for Gabriel Fernandez, a murdered 8-old-year old boy, when Judge George Lomeli of the Los Angeles County Superior Court denied the murderer’s petition in a swift, fifteen-minute hearing on June 1. This denial brought closure to an 8-year saga racked with jarring uncerta...