Tag: Half

The Transformation that Takes Place Once Your Life is Half Over

Every now and again, my wife likes to remind me about how she is so much younger than me — two weeks younger, in fact. It started when I hit 30, and she was still 29. She would have a little boast about how she was still in her twenties, but I was seemingly over the hill in my thirties. So ...

I Can’t Believe I’m Just Finding Out That I Was Half-Married for Years

“You’re going to keep going to marriage counseling by yourself?” asks my friend. “Yes,” I say. “I don’t know what else to do. He says he won’t continue going and things aren’t getting any better in our marriage. If anything, it feels like it...

Is the glass half empty or half full?

“Is the glass half empty or half full?” a proverbial phase to indicate that a particular situation could be a cause for pessimism (half empty) or optimism (half full). Year 2023: i pursued financial education and learnt about the FIRE concept. FIRE = Financial Independence, Retire Ea...

Disposed of half-empty (Days Gone)

A few days ago, cycling my way back home, I noticed a half-empty packet of pesto laying on the ground. It would not be out of place if I was cycling along shelves of fresh produce in a shopping mall or an outdoor market, but this took place on a completely ordinary pavement dedicated to cyclists. No...

Top epic half marathons in Europe you must try

We’ve compiled a list of some of the best half marathons across the europe, check a few of these off your running bucket list. Copenhagen Half Marathon The Copenhagen Half Marathon is like a tour of downtown Copenhagen. Just don’t expect to set any PRs if you are soak...

Half empty nest, day 1.

Lorens said, “Come on Bev, let’s have a day like we use to have before we had kids”, (to try and stop me from worrying, biting my nails and being a nervous wreck like I had been all day). So we bought a steak burrito cut in 1/2, a 6 pack of beer, and we went to the rocks at the lak...

Top epic half marathons in Europe you must try

The Copenhagen Half Marathon is like a tour of downtown Copenhagen. Just don’t expect to set any PRs if you are soaking in all the sights. Runners will pass by a slew of famous spots like the National Gallery of Denmark, Rosenborg Castle, the Marble Church, the Old Stock Exchange, th...

Race Report: Miami Half Marathon

Back in January 2015, I ran the Miami Marathon. This was my first marathon, just seven months shy of my first half marathon. The process was grueling but memorable, mostly because I was self coached and didn’t really know what I was doing. But the race support and energy was something I’...

Half-Magical Half-Marathon

A honey and peanut butter sandwich helps conceal the taste of dried shrooms. It’s still not delicious, but better. A bowl-size mug of coffee washes down and gets me moving. 7:15AM Metro It took longer to get onto the metro with all the other runners hopping on at the same time. No effects ...

Half Of The World

The sun sat low when we entered Isfahan, casting a warm yellow light. We stopped at a spot along the bank of the Zayandeh River, a waterway that bisects the city. “Cross that bridge and take your time. I will drive around and meet you on the other side,” our guide shouted and drove of...

Women Hold Up Half The Sky

She sits in a small hut somewhere in Nepal’s rugged mountain world, hiding from the scorching April sun. A slender woman with matted hair. A single streak peeks out from underneath her battered towel, which she has wrapped around her head like a majestic turban. Next to her on the dusty flo...

A Disorganized, Probably Half-Sexist Open Letter to Women

You haven’t met this friend of mine, but you’ve read about him. I wrote about him some weeks ago, in my article titled Should We All Be Feminists? It is safe to say that this article, wouldn’t have been possible without him, but neither would the previous one. Just before I...

Why Half of Men Think They Could Safely Land a Plane in an Emergency

If you were asked to safely land a passenger aeroplane in an emergency situation, relying only on the assistance of air traffic control, do you feel confident you could do it? I’m positively certain I could not. But if you think you could manage it, you’re hardly alo...

How Portland Can Cut its Pedestrian Fatalities in Half

Over a dozen European countries require pedestrians wear reflectors at night. When implemented, statistics universally show a 30–50% reduction in pedestrian fatalities. There are certain statistical constants in human behavior. Worldwide, pretty much 75% of pedestrian traffic deaths occur a...

Please Don’t Refer to Me as “Half” Black

Growing up as the child of an interracial and interfaith marriage in the early 1990s and 2000s, there weren’t a lot of resources available to help me navigate those dynamics. It was a time where we were still promoting “color-blind” as our best anti-racist efforts. And so at that t...

How I Really Feel as a Half-Asian

How do I really feel as a half-Asian? To be honest, I don’t know myself. I stare at the very complexity that forms the basis for my even wanting to ask such a question — and I am dumbfounded. I could say that I love being half-Asian, but that would be excessive pride, not ...

The Missing Half: How I Found My Father Through DNA Testing

Inthe months before I contacted my dad to alert him of my existence, I’d begun paying attention to the birds that frequented my backyard garden. By that time, my husband and I had lived in our 1920's butter-yellow house in Seattle for a few years already, but this was the first year tha...

Preparing Data for Analysis is (more than) Half the Battle

Just last week, a colleague mentioned that while he does a lot of study design these days, he no longer does much data analysis. His main reason was that 80% of the work in data analysis is preparing the data for analysis. Data preparation is s-l-o-w and he found that few colleagues and...

Come Smash the Second Half of March With Me!

My efforts in March have been weak by my standards. The month started with our amazing spring break vacation to Florida. Once we returned, it was side hustle “catch-up” time and playoff time for both of my kid’s hockey teams. I coach both of them, so it’s been busy! ...