Is the glass half empty or half full?

<p>&ldquo;Is the glass half empty or half full?&rdquo; a proverbial phase to indicate that a particular situation could be a cause for pessimism (half empty) or optimism (half full).</p> <p>Year 2023: i pursued financial education and learnt about the FIRE concept.<br /> FIRE = Financial Independence, Retire Early!!</p> <p>This strategy focuses on aggressive savings. Saving corpus should be enough to support&nbsp;<strong>rest of the life expenses&nbsp;</strong>by withdrawing 2&ndash;3% annually. Obviously the corpus is invested and should grow at a pace more than inflation.</p> <p>A good read: &ldquo;<strong>Your Money or Your Life by Vicki Robin</strong>&rdquo;, written in 1992 and still relevant means its time tested.</p> <p>The single most important trait i picked : &ldquo;<em>I should evaluate every expense in terms of the number of working hours it took to pay for it</em>&rdquo;.</p> <p>So lets define few sections of life as:</p> <ol> <li>Career: Job, network</li> <li>Relationships and emotional well-being: friends and family</li> <li>Finances: Financial education, expense tracking and budgeting</li> <li>Skill development: learning and practice</li> <li>Physical health: strength training, running, skating, swimming</li> </ol> <p>I have a budget of 10 hrs/day. I am good with rest 14 hrs gone as breathing space, sleep, commute, bla bla activities.</p> <p>Lets have a weekly view, so got 70 hrs/ week to spend over 5 buckets.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Empty Half