Tag: Hacking

Instagram Account Hacking

How to hack Instagram accounts with 2FA Bypass easily in few steps. Instagram brute-force used to be the weapon of hacker in past, but as time passed, Instagram updated its security policy with 2FA auths and IP login block. So when you try to login from different IP’s again and again, Insta...

I Needed Money, So I Started Options-Hacking

If you’ve been here awhile, you’d see that I experiment with a large array of strategies. This helps me learn new things and run a diverse portfolio, but sometimes, it makes me forget what worked in the past. So, as I reviewed my year-end trade history for tax reporting, I noticed a peri...

Android Hacking Masterclass | The only guide you need to secure your android apps

In the ever-evolving world of mobile app development, one aspect remains a constant concern: security. As the Android platform continues to dominate the market, understanding the intricacies of Android app security becomes paramount for both developers and security researchers. Welcome to Android Ha...

Wireless Hacking Computers With Flipper Zero.

In this article, we will wirelessly hack a Windows PC by using the Flipper zeros bad USB command. You do not have to connect physically to any device just choose your target and Voila you're in the target system. Picture Credits: Zain-Abidi So, to send bad USB commands wirelessly the f...

The Role of Penetration Testing in Cybersecurity

  In the dynamic landscape of cybersecurity, where digital threats are ever-evolving, organizations must adopt robust measures to safeguard their systems and data. One such critical tool in the cybersecurity arsenal is Penetration Testing. The Basics of Penetration Testing Penetration ...

A panda and a cabana: How to get started car hacking with comma.ai

When I plugged it in to my MacBook, it showed up as a serial interface. And it used AT commands. I found some Python code to speak this protocol, and I thought I could now talk to the car. When the code worked (which was about 50% of the time!), the information it gave me was very limited, m...

A Brief History of Hacking Internet-Connected Cars

Vehicle hacking already has a 15-year pedigree. Though there are at least 36 million vehicles on the road today already connected to the internet, manufacturers appear to have learned little from the biggest security crises of the internet era. Cybersecurity is, yet again, a bolted-on afterthou...

When “Life Hacking” Is Really White Privilege

The line at the post office was 18 people deep. I’d been waiting awhile, and was thinking about something I’d read: that in Europe, public services are for the public — meaning everyone — whereas in the US, public services are for those who can’t afford a private alt...

Hacking Maladaptive Daydreaming into Productive Self-Bullying

“Immersive daydreaming” and “maladaptive daydreaming” are new terms in psychology circles. Maladaptive daydreaming is increasingly becoming a proposed disorder backed by clinical psychologists for entry into the DSM (that’s the bible for reducing neurodivergents to weap...

The Tamagotchi Hacking Community’s Quest to Cheat Death

Chris Starling was eight years old when he started collecting Tamagotchi in the mid-2000s. All of his friends at school had Tamagotchi, and he would use the hacks he learned from an online community called Tama Talk to show his friends how they could pick their own characters (which is usually deter...