Tag: Habit

Unveiling A Secret Habit Of Sages

One evening while my wife and I were having a casual conversation, we noticed a change in our indoor plant. For many months that plant didn’t grow well. But just in 1 month of moving to a new home, it started to produce many leaves and growing at speed. My wife said, “Plant...

How To Break The Habit Of Wasting Time

What if there was a way to break free from the habit of wasting time and reclaim those precious moments that seem to slip through our fingers? No, not just the obvious time-sinks like Netflix and social media, but the subtle ways we unknowingly squander our time. We’re all guilty of it, ...

Do You Often Compare Yourself to Others? Here’s How to Transform This Into a Positive Habit

I’ve reached a point in life where it seems like everything is urging me to rush. When we feel like we’re falling behind, our progress seems slow, and our goals keep getting delayed year after year, it’s tough not to compare ourselves to others. Moreover, the presence of so...

The neuroscience of habit formation: Unraveling the four-step cycle to design a better you

Understanding the mechanics of habit formation isn’t just an academic pursuit; it can be a game-changer in how you approach personal and professional development. As the famous saying goes, “We are what we repeatedly do.” In this blog, we’ll dissect the science behind habit f...

Develop the habit of dealing with your mind's trash

Today morning was simply trash. Why am I saying this? I was in tune with nature. It was drizzling, and I was looking at the beautiful tree outside my window and listening to a Shiva Kirtan. I was almost feeling Shiva in those kirtan words. Those who don’t know what Kirtan&nbs...

How To Break The Habit Of Wasting Time

What if there was a way to break free from the habit of wasting time and reclaim those precious moments that seem to slip through our fingers? No, not just the obvious time-sinks like Netflix and social media, but the subtle ways we unknowingly squander our time. We’re all guilty of it, ...

Think Of Fulfilling A New Need Instead Of Breaking A Habit

I practice a few rituals in the morning that help me integrate and live my BEM (Body, Emotions and Emotions) model. One such ritual is saying Affirmations. I have observed that by saying Affirmations loudly in front of the mirror, I get to see myself, hear my voice, watch my body language and feel m...

“Habit of Habitance: The Custom of Montréal” by Dr. Viktor Kropotkin:

Habitance is the quality of a thing which inhabits a place, and of that space being inhabited by same said thing. Habitance, therefore, is inherent in all habitats, whether or not these same habitats are being inhabited — filled! — by any number of accidental-contingent, existent thing. ...

The Tech That Makes Philanthropy Easy and Habit Forming

Philcoin is an award-winning blockchain innovator that integrates IoT activities into a global ecosystem, allowing users to earn while engaging with social media, television, and communication services. Rooted in humanitarian support, Philcoin’s mission is to create the world’s larg...

A habit is an ecosystem.

Atthe evening discourse on a silent meditation retreat, I was introduced to the story of Swimology. A young professor was aboard a ship with an old sailor. Every day the professor would impress upon the sailor that he was ignorant about the world. They would discuss Oceanology, Geology, Meteorology,...

9 Practical Tips for Developing a Prayer Habit

I’m Muslim and I don’t pray 5 times a day. Well, at least I didn’t. It isn’t because of a weakness of faith. I have a very strong sense of spirituality, Muslim identity, and an unwavering belief in God’s will and wisdom. It isn’t because I’m in envir...