Tag: Ground

Foreground, Middle Ground, and Background in Photography

The difference between a good photo and a great photo often comes down to its composition. A composition with multiple layers is often more complex and interesting. The three layers in a photograph, a video, or a painting are 1) the foreground, 2) middle ground, and 3) background. Delving into these...

The Black Community Is Not A Dumping Ground

The conspiracy theorist in me can’t help but read or watch the news nowadays with a smirk. Every single story, every article, all of the reporters all have a slant, an agenda, a backstory to the story. The media is the most powerful institution in the world. We are shown what we are shown to b...

6 Ways to Ground Your Energy

Do you need this grounding? If you have a white root center in Human Design I bet you do!!! And if you have it defined it won’t hurt  If you are an Empath and feel too much constantly feeling drained or walking on eggshells then grounding is key for you to release that anxiety an...

Gun Control Arguments Commit the Middle Ground Fallacy

The Middle Ground Fallacy, also known as the False Compromise or False Dilemma, is a type of reasoning error that occurs when a person asserts that a compromise between two opposing positions must be correct because it is the middle ground between them. This fallacy is informal in nature and can oft...