The Black Community Is Not A Dumping Ground

<p>The conspiracy theorist in me can&rsquo;t help but read or watch the news nowadays with a smirk. Every single story, every article, all of the reporters all have a slant, an agenda, a backstory to the story. The media is the most powerful institution in the world. We are shown what we are shown to build up biases. We are told what to believe and it is delivered in a way that convinces us of our stupidity, our ignorance, our predilection to believing in conspiracy theories. The current immigration brouhaha that is prominent in American media right now is one such event that seems so outrageous that it feels like a deliberate display, it feels like you can see the hidden hands in the despair of the immigrants&rsquo; plight. With every bus announcement to so called &lsquo; sanctuary cities&rsquo;, with the flippant disregard of American laws across the land by the highest officials, I am reminded of the words of an immigrant friend; the chaos is on purpose.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Dumping Ground