Tag: Greatest

The Greatest Lie They Tell You: Quit Your Day Job to Be An Entrepreneur

I was twelve when I realised I wanted to be a businesswoman. I just decided to give up a year’s contract at the best football club in the county because I had other ideas. I’d relentlessly watched Dragon’s Den and I was going to be a big dog. By fourteen I was sneaking sweets in...

Is my greatest fear my motivation?

Have you ever found yourself in the midst of a casual conversation, only to be jolted by a question that sends shivers down your spine and quickens your heart beat? It happened to me during a tranquil moment with my friend, Ben. His question lingered in the air, a heavy fog on a peaceful morning: &l...

The greatest Japanese painter you’ve never heard of

Hasui Kawase was an influential 20th century Japanese landscape painter. Born in 1883, Kawase travelled extensively throughout Japan and produced hundreds of woodblock prints of cities and the countryside. In particular, he’s famous for his paintings of snow and rain. His art also often includ...

Deep Paralysis — How the Fishing RPG, Dredge Made Me Face My Greatest Fears

When I started the game, I hadn’t realized that the currency in Dredge — a fishing slash eldritch horror game from Black Salt Games was — time. In essence, Dredge is a panic management game. And for someone who has always struggled with anxiety, it unlocked an e...

Tell Me Your Greatest Fear — I’m Dying to Know

Acid Nerve’s Death’s Door is a game that I found myself immediately taken with the moment it was revealed but unfortunately it was a timed Xbox exclusive and as such, it had a staggered release schedule and arrived to PlayStation platforms in November 2021. After purchasing the game s...


December 8, 1903: Joe Gans, the reigning lightweight (135 pounds) champion of the world, the first black man to win that title, and one of the sport’s greatest practitioners to that time, was shocked. Somehow, an unknown teen had just dominated him in a fifteen-round match in Boston, having hi...

What Is Rome’s Greatest Latin Inscription?

Rome is replete with Latin inscriptions. They’re all over the churches, homes, fountains, obelisks, art, and museums. But what is the greatest of all Rome’s inscriptions? Which offers the most satisfaction, intellectual, artistic, or aesthetic? For many, the answer is Marcus Agrip...

What is My Greatest Triumph?

My greatest triumph is getting my life back again after a post-brain surgery stroke left me with an almost non-functional left arm and a difficult-to-control seizure disorder. I was 22. The surgery had successfully treated my brain arteriovenous malformation, but my healing journey had just beg...

TV’s Greatest Autistic Characters Are Not Autistic

Sheldon Cooper loves trains. I mean, he really loves trains. He loves trains more than he loves his girlfriend. He calls his girlfriend “Amy Farrah-Fowler” when referring to her in everyday conversation. Why? Unclear. Many of the things Sheldon does are unclear. Why do...

How the Agony of Winter Can Become Your Greatest Teacher

There’s value, I think, in winter. There’s no better teacher than the cold. I grew up to become a traveler, and I never once had to abandon a journey because I wasn’t prepared for the climate or the terrain. I’m from the land of snow, that means I’m ready for anythin...

New Report Builds on the Wealth Gap ~ Greatest Source of Income No longer a Home

If you wandered to my profile, you’ll note I have only 40ish followers. Yet some of my articles have more than a thousand views and many comments. Now, why I don’t do the follow-for-follow game? Two problems, I don’t think that’s how it’s supposed to work. My job ...

The Greatest Americans

Thank you Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. You set the stage. And Americans of African ancestry, mixed with the Natives and the Europeans, made it a great one. Frederick Douglas. Paul Robeson. Martin Luther King Jr., Louis Armstrong. Jimi Hendrix, John Col...

The Greatest Predictor of Lifespan Is Something We Can All Control

While there are many ways you can make changes to lead a healthier life, it’s now well-documented that the figures that change less readily are the most valuable of them all. In other words, the ones you have to work for over months, years, and decades. There’s no mistake wh...

The true reason why Einstein was history’s greatest physicist

Einstein’s work continues to endure on a number of other fronts as well, including on paradoxes in quantum entanglement (the EPR paradox), on connecting two well-separated points in spacetime through wormholes (Einstein-Rosen bridges), and in describing the statistics of integer-spin particles...

The Greatest Gift You Can Give Yourself in Old Age — Is Acceptance

The most challenging thing I’ve ever done was to accept I was old. Even though I was on Social Security and Medicare and was 68, I resisted. I clung to middle age like a drowning man clings to a life preserver. I refused to be categorized as old and subjected to ageism. I didn’t want ...

These Creatures Were Darwin’s Greatest Enemy

Barnacles hold a surprisingly significant place in the history of natural science. For over a century, these organisms puzzled some of the most renowned biologists, challenging their understanding of the natural world. Among them was Charles Darwin, who found himself engrossed in a lengthy study ...

5 Greatest Mysteries of All Time

Every year there are many things that are discovered that puzzle even the brightest of minds, from a 2000 year old Computer to gigantic drawings in the middle of a desert, the world is full of surprises. 1, Nazca Lines Image Source: Wikimedia commons No one knew these mysterious drawing...

Who was the Greatest Roman Emperor?

What makes a Roman emperor either good or bad? Do we reward the emperors who had military prowess and kept the enemies of Rome subdued over emperors who chose a policy of peace? How do we rate emperors from different eras? Should we judge emperors solely on their accomplishments during their lifetim...

NBA’s “Greatest of All Time” According to the Data

The NBA (National Basketball Association) founded in 1946 has contained the best current and past players that have ever played the game of basketball. Everyone who is ever played basketball or knows even something about this sport always debates, “Who is the Goat”… an age-old deb...