Tag: Gray

Diplopia in Hsu Che-Yu’s “Gray Room”

*This is the exhibited version of “Gray Room” in the 2023 “Memory Palace in Ruins” exhibition. Source: http://www.hsucheyu.com/ The current C-LAB annual exhibition, “Memory Palace in Ruins,” is composed of numerous video works and images. Despite ex...

Gray Par-ee

It rains a lot in Paris in November. Not the gentle spring rains that make this city seem so romantic. No, for this foul weather, the French don’t mince their metaphors: Il pleut des hallebardes/cordes — “it’s raining spears/ropes” (we would say, “It&rsquo...

Interesting Facts: Who is a Forest Cat

Forest cats are brown or gray-brown in color with black stripes. They are larger than domestic cats, with a thick tail, as if “chopped off” at the end. What is the difference between a forest cat and an ordinary cat Unlike domestic cats, forest cats cannot meow, but only hiss, g...

Gray Matters

Step into the spotlight as we unveil the grim reality that often hides in the shadows of our society: ageism. This silent epidemic permeates our lives, affecting individuals young and old, and its consequences are far-reaching. Ageism, the prejudiced treatment and discrimination based on one’s...

420 Shades of Gray: The Legal Web Around Cannabis

Botany is weird, and I think the clearest example is to look at the common vegetable Brassica oleracea. Cultivars of this single species include broccoli, cauliflower, kale, collard greens, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, broccolini, romanesco, and gai lan (Chinese broccoli). The...

Violence and Gray Zones

In their anthology Violence in War and Peace, Scheper-Hughes and Bourgois collect a number of works ranging from thinkers like Levi to Foucault. The work centers around different historical instances of violence, but the majority is focused on the holocaust. Levi wrote a short piece titled &ldq...

My Gray Hair is Not a Statement

When I decided to stop dying my hair, I announced my intentions at work, to my family, and to my friends. Many of their reactions surprised me. Several people even grew defensive of their decisions to keep coloring their own hair. “Well, your hair looks great, but gray would look terribl...