Tag: Gravity

Logistics Center of Gravity Analysis in Python

In logistics, the center of gravity analysis is used to derive the ideal location for warehousing facilities by calculating the transport costs to each of the supply or demand locations to be served by the facility. The center of gravity is therefore the location giving the lowest total transport co...

Is Gravity Lower at the Earth’s Equator and What Does This Have to Do With the Moon’s Orbit?

the Earth is not actually a perfect sphere and it doesn’t have perfectly spherical symmetry. Different parts of the Earth have different densities (because of variations in rocks and stuff). It’s possible to map these gravitational variations using satellites. Image: NASA. Va...

The sun’s gravity: Why it doesn’t pull us in?

The equation for universal gravitation thus takes the form: F=Gm1m2/r2, where F is gravitational force acting between two objects, m1 and m2 are the mass of the objects and r is the distance between those two objects. Newton’s theory explained and predicted the motions of planets, moo...

Ask Ethan: Could gravity operate in extra dimensions?

There’s a problem with gravity that no one is comfortable with, and that even physicists rarely talk about. If you take any two particles with a mass to them — like two electrons, two of the quarks within a proton or neutron, or even composite particles like two protons — you&rsquo...

Before the Big Bang, Dark Energy Revealed, Quantum Gravity and Singularities: The Theory of Space-Matter

The universe does not have a universal beginning or ending for all matter. Rather, the universe has a beginning, duration and ending based on the size of the body which experiences it. Dark energy is a double-arrowed force in which one end of the force (gravity) repels the other end of the force ...

How Close Are We to the Theory of Everything?— Gravity and Quantum Gravity

If you want to explain the universe and what goes on in it, we have couple tools at our disposal. If you want to explain atoms and subatomic particles, electromagnetism and nuclear forces, which are the basis of everything, the tool you will use is Quantum Field Theory (In theoretical physics, quant...

Gravity: A nonmathematical introduction

Gravity, an imperceptible force that firmly anchors us to the Earth and shapes the movements of celestial objects, has intrigued humanity for ages. Whether it’s an apple falling or the planets orbiting, gravity governs the motion of everything in the cosmos. In this article, we will explore th...

How Earth’s Gravity Interacts with the Vacuum of Space

Gravity is a fundamental force that governs the motion of celestial bodies and determines the very structure of the universe. It is an attractive force that acts between any two masses, and its strength is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square ...

If light has no mass, why is it affected by gravity?

This is a wonderful question… In the first instance, it’s answered by Einstein’s theory of general relativity. (Spoiler alert, light travels along geodesics, which are approximately straight lines in most circumstances that humans encounter in everyday life, but are curved by...

Is Gravity Lower at the Earth’s Equator and What Does This Have to Do With the Moon’s Orbit?

The magnitude gravitational field due to a point mass looks like this: If you are outside an object with spherical symmetry then the direction of this gravitational field points towards the center of the Earth and decreases in magnitude as you get farther away. It’s possible to make a visua...

Would the real quantum gravity please stand up?

Quantum gravity research often reminds me of the 1963 classic comedy It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World about a criminal who crashes his car and with his dying breath reveals that he has buried a large sum of money under a big W in a state park to the occupants of four passing cars who ...

We may be living in a 5D reality

Quantum gravity is considered to be the Holy Grail of theoretical physics, the final merger of high energy particle physics and general relativity. These two theories are frequently referred to as being “incompatible” or contradictory, but that isn’t entirely true. Standard meth...

The sun’s gravity: Why it doesn’t pull us in?

Have you wondered why we don’t get pulled by sun despite it’s enormous gravitational force and weight? You may already aware of it I believe if you didn’t wonder  It’s a fascinating question that i recently think about which isn’t that hard to understand and can...

Hypermobility and the loss of the center of gravity:

Most disorders are primarily caused by the loss of the center of gravity, resulting in a loss of balance. NASA is providing a $20,000 grant for a year-long research study involving participants sleeping in an inverted position to explore the impact of antigravity on human health. This discovery is e...

Ask Ethan: Do binary stars prove modified gravity?

One of the most bizarre and puzzling aspects of nature is the existence of dark matter: a massive species of particle whose effects are easily seen, but that has eluded every attempt at direct detection thus far. The cosmic need for dark matter is undeniable, although many hold o...

Zero Gravity, Infinite Possibilities: The Future of Pharmaceutical Research in Space

The future of pharmaceutical research is taking a giant leap, as scientists are harnessing the unique conditions of Space to develop pharmaceuticals that could be more effective than those produced on Earth. Welcome to the era of zero gravity, where the possibilities are endless. The Magic of Mic...