Tag: Grass

Grass Mud Horse: Profanity, Protest, and Pop Art

After Maorilyn Maoroe got biatchslaped by flying hotdogs in Mahler Gobi desert, Grass Mud Horse invites her for a beer pong game… is an artwork created in 2011 by Hong Kong-born, Chinese-American artist Kenneth Tin-Kin Hung. It’s an image crammed with coded meanings, socio-polit...

Adders and Grass Snakes: A Love Story

Adders are supposedly quite solitary animals, and I do often see them alone. But, if you want the best sunbathing spots, you have to be willing to share. Adders don’t mind basking with other snakes if they have to. The two snakes above seemed quite comfortable together. The adder is the ...

Going Barefoot on Bermuda Grass

My mother came home — with no warning ahead of time that I can recall — on a hot summer afternoon after more than a year-long stay in the hospital where she had undergone surgery in 1967 for a baseball-sized tumor in the back of her brain, followed by a long stay in an inpatient neurolog...