Going Barefoot on Bermuda Grass

<p>My mother came home &mdash; with no warning ahead of time that I can recall &mdash; on a hot summer afternoon after more than a year-long stay in the hospital where she had undergone surgery in 1967 for a baseball-sized tumor in the back of her brain, followed by a long stay in an inpatient neurologic rehabilitation center. I didn&rsquo;t know it at the time, but even though she had miraculously survived an impossibly difficult operation during a time when there were no CT or MRI scans, and when neurosurgery techniques were rudimentary compared to the present day &mdash; several years later she would eventually lose her battle to this cancer &mdash; a type patients still struggle to survive.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@drroysmythe/going-barefoot-on-bermuda-grass-4ea9be435cef"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Bermuda Grass