Tag: Grandma

Whatever Grandma Wants Grandma Gets

My brother Logan and I were obligated to visit our 70-year-old Grandma Nina weekly in her new apartment near downtown Miami. Nina and my mother, Eleanor, had made a deal that if she got to move out of her rank South Beach apartment into a newer more modern one, she’d never nag Eleanor again ab...

Give Grandma a Break

Thankfully, our friends and community around here had no issues. We live in a liberal blue bubble, and some days, it seems more tweens than not are playing with gender norms by selecting new names and pronouns. So Nico was no outlier. My family was also accepting — perhaps questioning (to m...

Taking Grandma to Get Her Opiates

One unseasonably muggy day after last Christmas, I sat wide-eyed and blinking as my grandmother’s doctor spoke of conspiracy theories. Casket sales increasing, he said. “By thirty, maybe forty percent, since the vaccines came out.” I want to holler at his administrator, &ld...