Taking Grandma to Get Her Opiates

<p>One unseasonably muggy day after last Christmas, I sat wide-eyed and blinking as my grandmother&rsquo;s doctor spoke of conspiracy theories. Casket sales increasing, he said. &ldquo;By thirty, maybe forty percent,&nbsp;<em>since the vaccines came out</em>.&rdquo;</p> <p>I want to holler at his administrator, &ldquo;Are you hearing this?&rdquo; But I emit just a &ldquo;hmm&rdquo; and some hairline perspiration.</p> <p>Grandma, weighing in at 103 while wearing her sneakers and coat, just nodded and grinned, kneading her thighs with arthritic hands. We were here on a vital matter. This white-coat myth monger holds power. He prescribes opiates, the only class of medication that gives my grandma relief from constant pain in her back and legs.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/the-narrative-arc/taking-grandma-to-get-her-opiates-4916ee90b07d"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Grandma