Tag: Genetics

How to Build an Aesthetic V-Taper Body Even If You Have Bad Genetics

Of the 6 years I took to build my dream body — 4 were a waste. Swayed by “Eat Big to get big” and discouraged by “V-Taper’s all genetics, brah!” I hogged myself to a plump chump. Overcompensating, I starved myself to a near-anorexic zombie. Pl...

Genetic Engineering: A Transformative Journey towards the Future

Imagine genetic diseases can be eradicated in the future, and the potential to enhance human abilities becomes a reality. The revolutionary technology known as CRISPR has opened up a realm of possibilities, granting scientists the ability to edit and manipulate DNA with incredible precision. By alte...

Rare genetic disease can strike your family too

When our son was diagnosed in early 2022 with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), a rare and serious genetic disease with a frightening prognosis and no cure, my family’s life was immediately turned upside down. Part of the reason the diagnosis was so devastating was that it came completely out of no...

The Ethics of Genetic Engineering: Balancing Progress with Responsibility

Genetic engineering, once the stuff of science fiction, has become a reality in the modern world. The ability to manipulate the genetic makeup of organisms holds immense promise for curing diseases, increasing crop yields, and even enhancing human capabilities. However, along with its potential bene...

From Beaks to Bytes: Genetic Algorithms in Trading, Investing, and Finance.

While the buzz on social media might lead you to believe that Artificial Intelligence is all about chatbots and automated text completion, the reality is far more complex and intriguing. Major tech giants like Microsoft, Google, and OpenAI might have popularized language models, but AI’s capab...

How To Fix Bad Chest Genetics To build a Perfect Body And Tips To Know

Finding success in the gym can be a difficult task in and of itself. When you add in bad chest genetics, on the other hand, it’s almost as if the deck is stacked against you. Everyone’s life is significantly impacted by genetics in some way. Everyone would be the same if it weren’t...

My Little Pony: Genetics are Magic

How is this possible? Well, apparently, according to Mr Cake, the Cakes have distant Pegasus and Unicorn relatives. Let’s say that they both have regressive Pegasus and Unicorn genes (pu), because they both had Unicorn and Pegasus ancestors at one point. Because the Pegasus and Unicorn g...

How Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Biology are Shaping the Future of Genetics

Within the rapidly evolving field of genetic engineering, a novel technical report has surfaced that clarifies the complex workings of CRISPR-Cas9, a transformative genome-editing instrument. With the title “Quantum biological insights into CRISPR-Cas9 sgRNA efficiency,” this paper offer...

Fundamentals of Life : Genes, Genomes and Beyond

The terms “GENE-GENOME-GENOMICS-GENETICS” are fundamental concepts in biology and genetic science and are closely related to each other. Let’s start by explaining the meaning of each term and their relationship: Gene: These are segments of DNA located in the DNA sequence th...

How do genetics influence aging?

Aging is a natural process that affects us all, but did you know that genetics play a significant role in how we age? When it comes to beauty practices and maintaining a youthful appearance, understanding the genetic factors at play can be incredibly valuable. Our genes are like the instruction m...

In the Shadows: Shedding Light on Rare Genetic Disorders

In the expansive tapestry of healthcare discussions, where common diseases often take center stage, there exists a realm of profound significance — rare genetic disorders. These conditions, though individually scarce, weave a collective narrative that profoundly impacts the lives of numerous i...

Yearly Recap: Genetics & Biology 2023

In the dynamic landscape of scientific discovery, the past year showcased breakthroughs in molecular biology and genetics. From real-time insights into CRISPR-Cas protein complexes to precise control over virus assembly using DNA ‘origami,’ these findings reflect a relentless pursuit of ...

Preserving Alberta’s Native Trout: A Genetics Perspective

Alberta’s eastern slopes are not only a haven for outdoor enthusiasts but also home to a rich diversity of fish species. This includes three species at risk: Athabasca rainbow trout, bull trout, and westslope cutthroat trout. Ensuring the genetic integrity of these species and t...

Pashtun Genetics Revisited

A little while ago I discussed South Asian genetics and where Pashtuns fall on that spectrum. I think the conclusions, while broadly correct, were lacking a bit in detail. In a sense this is inevitable, as there isn’t a great data set I’ve found for Afghan Pashtuns that specifies both tr...

An Introduction Into The Study of Genetics

The study of genetics encompasses a vast field that explores the study of heredity, variation, and inheritance. It concerns the transmission of traits from one generation to the next and the molecular mechanisms that underlie these processes. The basic unit of heredity is the gene, which is a segmen...