Tag: Genetic

Can Genetic Rescue Save This Critically Endangered Songbird?

Ateam of conservation biologists based at Monash University are collaborating with Zoos Victoria to save the Critically Endangered Helmeted Honeyeater, Lichenostomus melanops cassidix (referred to as cassidix here), from extinction. This small black-and-yellow...

Does it Matter If It’s Genetic?

Frankly, I don’t think it actually matters if it is or not. We all know that Black people have the unique hair and skin coloring because of genetics and knowing so has help Black people how? All that happens in a society in which one isn’t given room to breathe is that every negative thi...

The Supreme Court’s Decision: Impact on the Rare Genetic Disease Community

Iam the father of a child suffering from a severe degenerative genetic disease; a disease which carries a constellation of medical complexities, a terrifying disease with no treatment or cure. I am so scared. We worry about every medical piece of her genetic puzzle, each of which catastrophically...

Genetic Algorithms -Selection

Fitness Proportionate Selection is one of the most popular ways of parent selection. In this method, individual can become a parent with a probability which is proportional to its fitness. Therefore, fitter individuals have a higher chance of reproduction and propagating their features to the nex...

About the ‘Ancient East Eurasian’ genetic lineage

Modern humans of the Initial Upper Paleolithic wave and material culture (IUP) are suggested to have expanded from a population hub through a star-like expansion pattern (>45kya), and are broadly ancestral to modern populations in Eastern Eurasia, Oceania, and the Americas, notably East Asians, S...

Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering in the Future

The field of biotechnology and genetic engineering is advancing at a pace that was once considered the stuff of science fiction. In the coming decades, it has the potential to transform not only how we treat diseases but also how we shape and define our own biology. However, with this remarkable pro...

Reinventing Genetic Engineering Like SpaceX Reimagined Rockets

In the same way that SpaceX revolutionized space exploration through reusable rocket systems, Synthego aims to transform genetic engineering via automated CRISPR platforms. At the core of SpaceX’s breakthrough was challenging assumptions. Rather than expendable hardware, they purs...

Revolutionizing Wellness

Imagine a future where genetic disorders are a thing of the past, where personalized medication is tailored to your unique genetic makeup, and where serious diseases are treated at a molecular level, minimizing adverse effects. That future may not be as far-fetched as it sounds, thanks in large part...

Understanding CRISPR: A New Frontier in Genetic Engineering

At its core, CRISPR technology is derived from a natural defense mechanism found in bacteria and archaea. These microorganisms use CRISPR sequences to thwart attacks by viruses and other foreign entities. In this process, the CRISPR system captures snippets of DNA from invaders, which it then uses t...

Adding α,α-disubstituted and β-linked monomers to the genetic code of an organism

The paper describes a new method called “tRNA display” to engineer orthogonal aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases that can attach non-canonical monomers (ncMs) to tRNAs, independent of whether the ncMs can be polymerized by the ribosome. Current methods rely on the ncM being a ribosomal substrate...

Cracking the Genetic Code: Your Health, Your Choices.

Hey there, fellow adventurers in the game of life! Have you ever felt like your health is just a roll of the genetic dice? Well, you’re not alone. We’re all dealt a unique set of genetic cards at birth, but here’s the twist our lifestyle choices can shuffle the deck and change the ...

Title: “Pharmacogenomics: Decoding the Genetic Blueprint of Drug Response for Personalized Medicine”

1. Genetic Variability in Drug Metabolism: Human genetic variability influences the activity of enzymes responsible for drug metabolism. Genetic variations in genes such as cytochrome P450 impact the rate at which medications are processed in the body, affecting their efficacy and potential side ef...

Why it’s important to understand our collective genetic mindset — and learn to resist it

Swimming In the Shadowy, Collective Ocean Of The Not-Self One of the other reasons we can be resistant to working with Human Design is because it points out what we are, and also what we are not. What we are is our unique genetic design, defined centers and channels, profil...

Genetic Odyssey: Getting Around the Evolutionary Life Tapestry

There is a tapestry made of the threads of life itself out in the vastness of the universe, where galaxies swirl in the quiet waltz of existence and stars dance to the rhythms of time. This complex and multifaceted tapestry narrates the narrative of evolution using the languages of genes, mutations,...

Annotating Genetic Variants Made Easy

If you are working with genetic variants, you have likely encountered a common challenge: annotating and interpreting variants. Whether it’s a variant in a VCF file, a JSON file, a Pandas dataframe, or a plain text string, the task can be complex. Manually checking variants in GnomAD&nbsp...

What is a genetic counselor, and why do I need one?

When should I talk to a GC? Genetic counseling can be scheduled before genetic testing is performed if you have questions about the particular test recommended for you or are wondering if testing is right for you. Most patients who schedule a genetic counseling appointment choose t...

No Genetic Baggage

I don’t have a relationship with my blood family. Some connections were broken by me, and some by them. Either way, it was always for the best, and honestly, I don’t miss any of them, including those who have passed on. Some children become obsessed with the idea that they may have be...

The Evolution of Digital Threats: From Stuxnet to Genetic Assassination

Before delving into the implications of the 23andMe hack, let’s revisit the story of Stuxnet, a sophisticated piece of malware that marked a significant milestone in cyber warfare. Discovered in 2010, Stuxnet was a computer worm designed to target the supervisory control and data acquisition (...

Python for Bioinformatics: Analyzing Genetic Data with Code

The Genetic Symphony: Our journey begins with the genetic symphony, where the A’s, T’s, C’s, and G’s compose the verses of life. As the symphony plays out, we introduce Python as the conductor, translating the intricate language of DNA into a readable score. Witness how ...

Alleles and Genes: The Code of Genetic Variation

Genes are the molecular architects of life, providing the instructions for building and maintaining living organisms. Within these genes, the concept of alleles plays a crucial role in shaping the diversity observed in populations. Understanding the relationship between genes and alleles unveils the...

Genetic exploration of rare diseases: from identification of causes to personalized therapies

Historically, identifying the genetic causes of rare diseases has been a daunting task, with many conditions remaining undiagnosed and without effective treatments. However, recent advances in genetics and genomics have revolutionized the field, providing new tools and approaches for uncovering the ...

How Genetic Testing Will Change Healthcare

In the last years, scientists examined the effects of genes on drug metabolism. They found out that everyone has different mutations that alter the way we react to substances. As an example, many drugs are metabolized through CYPs. These enzymes, however, are more active in some populations, thus le...

About the ‘Ancient East Eurasian’ genetic lineage

The term Ancient East Eurasian, alternatively also known as East Eurasian or Eastern Eurasian, is used in population genomics to describe the genetic ancestry and phylogenetic relationship of diverse populations primarily living in the Asia-Pacific region, belonging to the “Eastern Eurasian cl...

Chaos Game Representation of a genetic sequence

Chaos Game Representation is a graphical representation of a sequence. It is a method of converting a long one-dimensional sequence (in our case a genetic sequence) into a graphical form. It is a novel holistic approach that provides a visual image of a DNA sequence quite different from the traditio...

Genetic Factors Influencing Stress Susceptibility

Stress is a ubiquitous part of human life, and its impact on mental and physical health is well-established. While environmental factors play a significant role in stress susceptibility, emerging research highlights the intricate interplay between genetics and stress response. Genetic factors ...

Exploring Coherence and Genetic Expression.

DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid, is a marvel of nature. Comprising a double helix structure, DNA encodes the genetic information necessary for the development, functioning, and reproduction of all living organisms. The coherence of DNA is evident not only in its structural integrity but also in the preci...

Is High Blood Pressure Genetic?

Genetics does play a role in high blood pressure. Studies have identified over 100 genetic changes associated with high blood pressure. This means that carrying a certain set of genetic variants can increase your risk for this condition. Family history also plays a role in influencing this ...

How Karyotyping is Performed to Diagnose Genetic Disorders

Karyotyping is a type of genetic test performed to diagnose chromosomal abnormalities. Chromosomal abnormalities include trisomies (an extra chromosome, such as in Down syndrome), monosomies (a missing chromosome, such as in Turner syndrome), and the duplication, deletion, or translocation of portio...

A Guide to Genetic ‘Learning’ Algorithms for Optimization

In a broader mathematical or computational perspective, an optimization problem is defined as a problem of finding the best solution from all feasible solutions. In terms of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, two significant algorithms that perform these tasks are Reinforcement Learning a...

South Asia Genetic Chart

Using South Asian genetic samples run through the Harappa Calculator, I’ve constructed averages for various ethnic groups and castes across the Indian Subcontinent. Below is a quick guide on how to interpret the figures. S Indian: A signal representing the Ancestral Indians, who were t...

Genetic Priority Score for Therapeutic Targets

The Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai has developed a “genetic priority score” (GPS) to transform the prioritization process in drug development. Published in Nature Genetics, this novel tool amalgamates various types of human genetic data into a single, comprehensive score. This t...

Pakistan Genetic Map

Below is a simplified genetic breakdown of major Pakistani populations using modified Gedmatch-Harappa data. There are similar figures floating around online, but they tend to suffer from a couple of issues. Specifically, inadequate sampling of different Pakistani ethnicities, and lack of comparison...

The Right Loves Genetic Goo more than Babies and Actual People

The Alabama Supreme Court decided this week that frozen embryos are fully fledged human beings, entitled to the rights and protections that entails. Specifically, they decided, leaning more on scripture than science, that embryos are legal people and that damaging their viability, “killing&rdq...