The Right Loves Genetic Goo more than Babies and Actual People

<p>The Alabama Supreme Court decided this week that frozen embryos are fully fledged human beings, entitled to the rights and protections that entails. Specifically, they decided, leaning more on scripture than science, that embryos are legal people and that damaging their viability, &ldquo;killing&rdquo; them, is legally murder, or at least manslaughter.</p> <p>Anti-choice activists have, in this incident, further evidenced that they do not in fact give a shit about life or children, unborn or otherwise. The predictable result of legally assigning personhood to embryos used in the process of in vitro fertilization, and making any harm that may happen to said embryos punishable under murder and manslaughter laws, is that IVF will now be virtually impossible to perform in the state of Alabama. No person or institution wants to deal with that. One slip-up with a microscopic bit of goo, and hospitals are dealing with their doctors, nurses, technicians, and other personnel being hit with murder charges? No thank you. They can&rsquo;t afford to continue practicing the procedure with that terrifying and insane threat hanging over them.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Loves Genetic