Tag: Generative

How Generative AI Can Revolutionize E-Commerce Content Creation

There has been a lot of hype around generative artificial intelligence and for good reason. It opens up a plethora of opportunities, including in the areas of commerce and content. Gen AI technology presents a lot of potential, especially in e-commerce. The Potential of Generative AI in E-Commerc...

Generative Inbreeding and the threat AI poses to Human Culture

Inbreeding refers to genomic corruption when members of a population reproduce with other members who are too genetically similar. This often leads to offspring with significant health problems and other deformities by amplifying the expression of recessive genes. When inbreeding is widespread,...

Generative AI: What You Need to Know!

Imagine a world where your car chauffeurs you around like a VIP, your movie night picks are always Oscar-worthy, and your playlist sings to your soul. Sounds like magic, right? Well, we already kind of made it real; it’s Artificial Intelligence! But hold onto your hats, because AI isn’t ...

Introduction to Generative-AI

Generative AI is an exciting and innovative branch of artificial intelligence that revolves around the creation of new and original content. Unlike traditional AI approaches that focus on making predictions or decisions based on existing data, Generative AI aims to push the boundaries of creati...

Why I’m Not Panicking About the Future of Generative AI

There’s a lot of doomsday chatter about artificial intelligence lately. If you’re a podcast listener, you’ve undoubtedly heard an episode about the looming A.I. apocalypse on every podcast you listen to. I’ve lost count of the number of episodes Ezra Klein has do...

Why I’m Not Panicking About the Future of Generative AI

There’s a lot of doomsday chatter about artificial intelligence lately. If you’re a podcast listener, you’ve undoubtedly heard an episode about the looming A.I. apocalypse on every podcast you listen to. I’ve lost count of the number of episodes Ezra Klein has do...

If You Want to Master Generative AI, Ignore All (But Two) Tools

It’s February 7th. Quite cold outside but apparently not enough to cool down the excitement ChatGPT sparked just before winter. Microsoft is ready to announce Bing Chat, a chatbot built on top of the next-generation model from OpenAI and capable of web search — Google is doomed (for the ...

Organizing Generative AI: 5 Lessons Learned From Data Science Teams

After executive leadership vaguely promised stakeholders that new Gen AI features would be incorporated across the organization, your tiger team sprinted to produce a MVP that checks the box. Integrating that OpenAI API into your application wasn’t that difficult and it may&nbsp...

The Generative AI Life-cycle

The common AI/ML Lifecycle consists of data collection, preparation, training, evaluation, deployment and monitoring all encompassed with an MLOps pipeline. Generative AI (GenAI) is a transformational technology that will continue its ramifications of major industry shifts in the coming months an...

A Perspective on Generative AI from an ML Product Lead: Best Practices and Considerations

Generative AI (GenAI) and consequently large language models (LLMs) have gained significant traction and attention in the enterprise space this year. The hype promises transformative applications that are flexible to various industries and highly capable. As someone who has suppo...

Generative algorithms and cracked mirrors

The number of ChatGPT users is starting to fall for the first time since its launch, with 10% fewer visits worldwide in June. At the same time, we are starting to see more and more cases of AI-spam, web pages written by generative algorithms — some of them not even bothering to ...

What to do with all that equipment? How some unemployed cryptocurrency miners are now powering generative algorithms

In mid-September, the Ethereum community transitioned its consensus algorithm from proof-of-work (PoW) to proof-of-stake (PoS) in a process dubbed The Merge that reduced the power consumption of the Ethereum network by 99. 95%, and sounded the death knell for many ...

Demystifying Generative Art

1. Definitions (Those already familiar with Long Form Generative art may want to skip to chapter 2) What is generative art Strictly speaking the term Generative art refers to art created by utilizing the influence of an autonomous system. Typically this is a non-human system which will d...

What do you get if you blend the visual DNA of two mid 20th Century artistic movements into a 21st Century generative art algorithm?

The original ideas evolved by these artistic canons tell very different stories in the history of post war American art. My approach however is more about just stealing from the visual lexicon of mark-making that characterizes these movements ignoring much of the contextual conversations around thes...

Generative AI: Changing the way we create and consume content

Let’s start with a simple analogy to explain Generative AI: Imagine a bowl full of Lego bricks. Each Lego brick represents a different piece of information, such as a word, a pixel, or a note. A Generative AI model is like a person who can use the Lego bricks in the bowl to bui...

Generative Models and the Dance of Noise and Structure

I like to think about what the inhabitants of Renaissance Italy, aflame with passion for the possibilities of the human imagination and rationality, would have found most astounding about our present-day technology. Leonardo da Vinci, dreaming of flying machines, would have surely been impresse...

Generative Art in Flutter

Recently, I gave a talk at FlutterCon Berlin 2023 about creating animations in Flutter with low level APIs, as I was preparing the talk, the content progressed to be a lot about art, more specifically, generative art and its technological history. I was hugely inspired by Vera ...

Generative Image Dynamics — A Summary

Diffusion models have been around for a while now and I‘ve always wondered what a good use-case for diffusion models could be. Should I just generate images of baby Yoda riding a bicycle or maybe an astronaut riding a horse? Well, a recent release [paper] by the Google Research team has led...

Generative Manufacturing: Transmuting Code into Physical Goods

Today, onchain generative algorithms are primarily used in the visual arts domain, as artists write code to create digital and interactive pieces, animations, and prints. However, art is likely just the first applicable medium for this new onchain creative process. We believe onchain generative...

Generative Image Dynamics Summary

Recently a new Google Research has been published under the name of Generative Image Dynamics which seems astonishing to everyone because of Interactive motions. This research paper presents an approach of modelling an Image space to Dynamic space. Image-space prior on scene dynamics that ...

The Tantalizing Promise of Generative AI: The Integration of Everything

The promise of new large-scale systems and multi-disciplinary innovations powered by Generative AI is founded on its potential for unprecedented knowledge integration. How would it positively impact our world? Like many of us, I have been trying out chatGPT and its ilk; been listening to the&nbsp...

The Current State of Generative 3D (Aug 2023)

What Does the Future Hold? At Mirage, we’ve kept our platform at the edge of generative 3D starting with CLIP-Mesh by Nasir → GET3D by NVIDIA → Stable Dreamfusion by Google (implemented by ashawkey) → Point-E by OpenAI → Shap-...

Interference : Phaust’s Visual Ode to Pure Generative Systems

Interference is a series of 236 abstract patterns and color palettes that we feel like we have seen before. The shapes are familiar and organic. The risograph printing technique reminds us of mass-produced leaflets and flyers. The works are joyous and easy on the eye. Hiding just beneath the...

A Beginner’s Guide to Deciphering Generative AI

What is Generative AI? Within the expansive realm of technology, Generative AI may initially appear as a complex mystery of tech. Yet, its understanding need not be the province of tech geeks only. In this article, we aim to demystify the essence of Generative AI in plain language. At its esse...

Exploring the Top 50 Generative AI Consumer Companies: List Inspired by Olivia Moore’s a16z Article

If you’re plugged into the world of AI and consumer software, you most likely saw Olivia Moore’s fantastic blog post published on a16’s website, entitled “How Are Consumers Using Generative AI?” If you haven’t, go read it now — click the previous link. Th...

2022 Top Papers in AI — A Year of Generative Models

This year, we see significant progress in the field of generative models. Stable Diffusion  creates hyperrealistic art. ChatGPT  answers questions to the meaning of life. Galactica  learns humanity’s scientific knowledge but also reveals the li...

Generative AI — A Blessing for Legal Professionals

In the legal realm, words are the fundamental tools for lawyers, and analyzing extensive textual information is a significant aspect of legal practice. Legal professionals heavily depend on scrutinizing vast collections of legal documents, court rulings, and precedents to find answers to essential q...

The Future of Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT) in Legal Practice

Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT) have revolutionized the field of artificial intelligence with their remarkable capabilities. These powerful technologies have had a profound impact across numerous industries, and the legal practice is no exception. In this analysis, we delve into the future...

Holochain and generative identity

In the realm of identity, the Holochain team appreciates the fallacy of individualism, or more precisely the fallacy of considering individualism a dualism (separate, either/or) with collectivism. Individualism and collectivism are a duality (interdependent), and indeed a duality that benefits from ...

Generative AI Use Cases in the Pharmaceutical Industry: A Comprehensive Guide

When businesses think of generative AI, most think of automated chatbots or code-writing bots to be the extent of the technology. Few know that one of generative AI’s most exciting use cases is research! This makes it a goldmine of technology for pharmaceutical companies to avail. GenAI is ...

Reviving the Past: How Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are Empowering Digital Archives to Restore Old Documents

Throughout history, humanity has produced a vast repository of knowledge, preserved in documents that have become invaluable sources of information for researchers, historians, and curious individuals alike. However, many of these documents are fragile and deteriorating, posing a significant challen...