Tag: Gay

The Unbecoming of the Closeted Gay Kid

It didn’t even occur to me that Tim might be gay. In hindsight, the first sign was the relentless bullying. We were in 9th grade, attending a small-town mostly-white private school in the south. We chummed the shallows of a high school pecking order determined only by your attractiveness, c...

Felon Says He Had Gay Sex With Obama, Interviewed by Tucker Carlson

On Wednesday, September 6, 2023, in a promotional clip shared on X — previously known as Twitter — former Fox News host Tucker Carlson teased an interview with Larry Sinclair, 61, a man who has made unsubstantiated claims for years that he smoked cocaine and had sex with former...

The Unbecoming of the Closeted Gay Kid

It didn’t even occur to me that Tim might be gay. In hindsight, the first sign was the relentless bullying. We were in 9th grade, attending a small-town mostly-white private school in the south. We chummed the shallows of a high school pecking order determined only by your attractiveness, c...

Racism in the Gay Community in Amsterdam and the Netherlands: A Hidden Challenge

Racism within the gay community in Amsterdam and the Netherlands is a complex and often overlooked issue. A cursory search online reveals a startling lack of information, with only eight articles found in Dutch. Why is there such a scarcity of information on this subject? Is it indicative of a broad...

Gay Athens: What you should know!

Athens is surely one of the most gay friendly destinations in Europe. Even though the Greek Religion influenced greatly the Greek society, the last years the locals have become more open-minded and friendly! Even though you are not allowed to get married in Greece, many hotels and venues are pl...

Thailand’s Songkran Survival Guide for Gay Men

Okay, listen up. If you’re a guy who likes guys and you’ve ever fantasized about getting drenched — no, not in that way, you dirty mind, I’m talking about water — then you’ve probably considered going to Thailand for Songkran. And why not? It’s the perfect b...

Why prom still matters to me as an aging gay Millennial

I stayed inside it anyway. It was the 2000s. I lived in a Republican household, and although California is a progressive haven for so many, being a queer teen was not cute. When classmates weren’t relentlessly making fun of me, others took pity and tried to correct how I walked. Or how I talke...

Laughing Through the Struggles: Dating as a Gay Asian Man in Sydney

Dating can be a rollercoaster of emotions for anyone, but as a gay Asian man living in Sydney, there are some unique struggles that can make the process even more challenging. From cultural differences to misconceptions and stereotypes, here are 20 funny dating struggles that only gay Asian men in S...

Sydney’s Gay Murders

In the late 70’s and early 80’s Sydney was plagued by a string of gay bashings. By the 80’s they had become murders. By the 90’s the bashings had evolved into multiple murders. Some estimates put the number as high as 80 gay men murdered in Sydney! To date many of these ...

Gay Couples in the Bible

We always hear from Christians about how homosexuality is a sin, and they like to cite one of six verses to make that claim. Each of those verses has been twisted from their original languages and used for ulterior motives, as I have detailed in another piece I wrote that I’ll link at the bott...

Six Silly Things That Evangelicals Tell Gay Christians

Dear Evangelical Brothers-in-Christ, I love you and wish only the best for you. Evangelicals and gay Christians sometimes speak in different languages. Occasionally, a common phrase used by Evangelicals is considered laughable to us gay Christians. Having been an Evangelical for 46 y...

A Gay Guy Knows When a Simple Look is Hiding Hate

For the past year, I’ve worn makeup on occasion when I’m going out — nothing too obvious or gaudy. I just want to even out my skin tone, make my eyes pop, that sort of thing. I don’t wear too much color on my face, though; I want it to look natural. I’ve never consid...

Gay Pawn in the Church of England

I’m tired of being an object of debate. Being a gay Christian means I am. For at least thirty years the Church of England has been playing games (they call it “conversations”) about human sexuality, specifically homosexuality. LGBTQ+ people are the pawns. For my whole life, the ...

In My Gay Marriage, His Dementia Was a Roller Coaster Ride

If one can gracefully accept the changes which Dementia/Alzheimer’s Disease brings, rather than fighting them, it can be easier for the person living with the disease, for his caregiver, and for those who love him. Easier said than done, but possible! This is a huge assumption if only ...

Good Grief and the New Gay Narrative

At the heart of Good Grief is Marc, portrayed by Levy himself. He’s a guy who’s just lost his husband, Oliver (played by the charming Luke Evans), and man, does it hit hard. Marc’s journey through the film is like a mirror to anyone who’s ever lost someone they...

7 Weeks to Hold Hands: My Fear of Being Perceived Gay

I ordered a $57 Uber to my girlfriend’s apartment and brought her dinner. By morning, I was single. It surprised me even though I was the one who proposed we break up the night before. Over the phone. I know, despicable. I was sure I could take it back. When she opened the door and greet...

Gay is OK with Buddhism

My intention in writing this piece is not to try to convert but rather to share what I have come to understand of the practice of Buddhism as it applies to me. It has helped me to grow and become a better person, more in touch with myself in relation to others and to life. Also, these lessons hel...

How my Gay Husband with Dementia/Alzheimer’s Became a Brilliant Artist

One of the important things I was able to do for my husband Gregory after his dementia diagnosis was to make sure that as his cognitive and physical abilities diminished, he had plenty to do to occupy his time. We did a lot of artistic things at home, but most significant was his work at the paintin...

Anybody Heard of a ‘Pocket Gay’?

There is nonstop action, from the narrator’s bloody nose to multiple kidnappings to hanky panky in a weird pet shop to hair pulling in a warehouse to an amphibious invasion of a Seattle area mansion. Despite the title, the least violence-prone character in the book is Commander, the bull terri...

A Gay Cowboy’s After-Hours Guide to the Metropolitan Museum

Jimmy,” he growled sexily. “Touch it.” My eyes traced the ethereal shaft of Delft light filtering through the open window, rendering the skin luminous as if glowing from within. Taking a deep breath to steady myself, I wiped my palms on my trousers and extended an arm. A flush o...

What I Learned as a Straight Man Working in a Gay Bar

After finally surrendering to my friends, we pulled up to an old, classy 1930s building with stairs from the parking lot and colossal glass doors at the entrance. While parking our car, the thud-thud-thud of dance music could be heard, but no one could see where it was coming from. There was a long ...

How Being a Gay Mom Has Changed in the Last 20 Years

Being a lesbian, let alone a lesbian mother, has changed a lot in the last 20 years — and proudly, we can say we’ve made progress for the better, even if there is still a long way to go. In celebration of the transformation of LGBTQ+ motherhood, we’ve decided to tell...

Becoming Different: Opening the Door to Gay Society

v There come times when you take stock, checking on what your past portends for your future. I don’t mean like the time you visited New Orleans and felt you’d love to go back. Or if you thought about going into the military after high school? Or you spent years training for the Olympi...

A Gay Guy Knows When a Simple Look is Hiding Hate

For the past year, I’ve worn makeup on occasion when I’m going out — nothing too obvious or gaudy. I just want to even out my skin tone, make my eyes pop, that sort of thing. I don’t wear too much color on my face, though; I want it to look natural. I’ve never consid...

Putting the Racist Crusade against Harvard’s Dr. Claudine Gay in Context

This has been a terrible week in the history of Harvard University and the nation. After enduring a racist crusade by rightwing activists, donors, and “academics,” Dr. Claudine Gay, the first Black woman to lead Harvard in its 387-year history, resigned in the face of charges that she di...

Claudine Gay And The Infuriating Double Standards Of “Antiracism”

As chief executive of the students’ union, it is not common for me to make statements — our amazing student leaders are usually, and rightly, the voice of the [Student Union]. But today, I find myself in a unique position where, after reading the experiences of black students’ invo...

The Black, Openly Gay, Civil Rights Activist You Probably Never Heard of

History is plagued with racial discrimination, an issue as old as time itself. For centuries, people of color were subjected to ill-treatment, abuse, violence, and segregation based on their appearance and nothing more. The Civil Rights Movement in America, which began in 1954 and spanned more th...

Did You Know that Cas Is Gay: Queer Reflections on the So-Called Supremes

Just yesterday, on one of the most challenging days of the political year, with the right-wing Supreme Court on a rampage, Dmitri “Misha” Collins, known for his role as the angel Castiel on the television series “Supernatural,” informed the world on Twitter that, he is pissed...

How The Gay Nightlife in Bangkok Scared Me

I often think about the streets of Bangkok, a city that’s as much about its people as it is about its places. There’s something about the rhythm of the city — the ebb and flow of the traffic, the melodious chaos of marketplaces, the silent serenity of its temples — that stays...

10 Questions From an Asian Grandfather to a Gay Grandson

If you have an Asian grandparent, you know they can be a delightful mix of wisdom, tradition, and unintentional comedy. It’s that particular blend of “old world meets new” that makes for some entertaining conversations, especially when it comes to topics outside their comfort zone....

Gay and Asian: Why We’re Serving Double Shots of Struggle

It’s no secret that being gay comes with its own set of challenges, like coming out, acceptance, and facing prejudice. Now, let’s add a generous sprinkle of Asian culture and values to the mix. Voilà! You’ve got yourself a Gay-sian cocktail that’s sure to leave yo...

It’s Hard To Trust Gay White Men

I remember my first crush in elementary school was on a white boy. There was something so alluring and charming about him and white boys in general. The idea of dating any other race didn’t even cross my mind. Middle and high school would see me having crushes on just white boys. By the time I...

Claudine Gay and the Phenomenon of Fraud in Academia

July 2023. Claudine Gay becomes the first Black president of Harvard University. She is only the second woman to be named Harvard’s president. Just in case you aren’t familiar with the Claudine Gay drama that made the news recently, here is a very quick recap. On December...

Gay Christian Counseling is Either Horrific or Helpful

I have a Ph.D. in counseling and provided thousands of hours of professional counseling to gay Christian men. Likewise, as a gay Christian man, I have received hundreds of hours of professional counseling. Such experiences of being vulnerable to a counselor can be very inti...