Tag: Fundamental

The Fundamental Flaw in Economics

Last week, I got the joy of watching a dear friend defend his PhD dissertation. Now, like the mother of an honor’s student, I can proudly slap a bumper sticker on my van that reads, “My Old Roommate Is a Doctor of Philosophy in Ecological Economics.” You hear that? Doctor. ...

Irish Mental Health System Is A Breach of Children's Human Right to Healthcare

The mental health system in Ireland is broken. It needs a radical inventory from the top down. It’s been like that for a long, long time. There have been calls for increased funding down through the years from non-profits, groups, and campaigners alike but this really is the last straw and we ...

A Fundamental Mistake in the 3 Levels of Active Listening (And How to Avoid It)

Whether it’s a meeting, a get-together with friends or a conversation with your partner — wherever we encounter people, good communication and especially good listening are essential. If we don’t succeed, then annoyance, frustration and other problems in communication are the logic...

Fundamental Similarities that Current American Society Shares with Ancient Rome

The United States of America may not be the oldest nation in the world. However, it is a country shaped by history. A country younger than four centuries has risen to global leadership in a brief period of evolution. The founding fathers would probably never have achieved the glory we live by today ...

Cleanliness is one of the fundamental teachings of Islam

Cleanliness is an integral part of Islam, and it is considered one of the fundamental teachings of the religion. In Islam, cleanliness is not just limited to the physical body, but it also extends to the environment and personal hygiene. The teachings of Islam emphasize the importance of cleanlin...

The 5 greatest puzzles in fundamental physics

Does humanity finally understand the Universe? The formation of cosmic structure, on both large scales and small scales, is highly dependent on how dark matter and normal matter interact. Despite the indirect evidence for dark matter, we’d love to be able to detect it directly, which is...

The Fundamental Flaw in Economics

Last week, I got the joy of watching a dear friend defend his PhD dissertation. Now, like the mother of an honor’s student, I can proudly slap a bumper sticker on my van that reads, “My Old Roommate Is a Doctor of Philosophy in Ecological Economics.” You hear that? Doctor. ...

A Fifth Fundamental Operation of Arithmetic and the Beauty of Parallel Calculus

We all know the four basic operations of arithmetic: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. In school, we were all forced to trivially add and subtract numbers again and again, keep track of remainders, etc. until it was printed in our brains how these operations work. It is only mu...

Is there a 5th fundamental force of nature?

Despite all we’ve learned about the nature of the Universe — from a fundamental, elementary level to the largest cosmic scales fathomable — we’re absolutely certain that there are still many great discoveries yet to be made. Our current best theories are spectacular: quantum ...

Fundamental Concepts of Geometry (AI’s Insights on Mathematics #4–1)

In this opening article, we embark on a journey into the fascinating world of geometry. We begin at the very foundations, exploring the fundamental concepts that give shape to the universe we live in. Geometry is more than merely a branch of mathematics. It is a language that describes the phys...

Probability — a fundamental science for data science and ML[1]

Introduction, notations and definitions Probability serves as a cornerstone in the toolkit of scientists, engineers, and data scientists alike, providing a robust framework to grapple with uncertainty. In the era of data science and machine learning (ML), the significance of probability takes cen...