Irish Mental Health System Is A Breach of Children's Human Right to Healthcare

<p>The mental health system in Ireland is broken. It needs a radical inventory from the top down. It&rsquo;s been like that for a long, long time. There have been calls for increased funding down through the years from non-profits, groups, and campaigners alike but this really is the last straw and we will see protests outside Leinster House this year.</p> <p>Children being&nbsp;<strong>refused</strong>&nbsp;just shows how serious this is. The HSE needs to be held accountable through yet another external review by the Mental Health Commission. How many reports do we need to see? It&rsquo;s obvious that the mental health system is a shambles from shortages of staff to wages and emigration as well as treatment of patients as a result.</p> <p>However, this year is about thousands of (nearly 4,000) vulnerable children. Some have families and others don&rsquo;t unfortunately. Both caregivers and parents are pulling their hair out with worry in some cases. In other cases child domestic abuse and violence are present.</p> <p>Children have no voice and are relying on services like CAMHs to save them. As a service user and someone who suffers from bipolar disorder, and experiences psychosis as well as Complex PTSD, I want a serious revamp in mental health services across the board and particularly in these unserviced areas such as Cork and Kerry. Let&#39;s get real here. There is anger all over the country and I echo that as someone with first-hand experience of poor mental health. If my mental health had been detected as a child, I would have had a better chance of reducing the risk of becoming an inpatient as well as experiencing homelessness.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>