Tag: Fourteen

Fourteen Reasons Not To Invest In BTC:

Looking at BTC objectively from a fundamentals-first investment perspective; it is abundantly clear that it should not be taken seriously as an investment at all. BTC is an emperor with no clothes, without a foundation in utility or long-term security. Consequently making it a purely speculative ...

From the Conservation Lab: Treating Bruce Onobrakpeya’s “Fourteen Stations of the Cross”

Curatorial Research Associate Kyle Mancuso talks with paper conservator Snow Fain about Bruce Onobrakpeya’s print series. Fig. 1: Conservator Snow Fain at work on removing the Fourteen Stations of the Cross prints from their polyester casings. This past spring, the High ope...

Enough is Enough: How the Murder of a Fourteen-Year-Old Boy Changed America

On August 28, 1955, a fourteen-year-old African American boy from Chicago was brutally tortured and murdered in the heart of the former Confederate state of Mississippi while he was visiting family. At the time, this was a regular occurrence in the South of the United States. The Civil War and recon...