Fourteen Reasons Not To Invest In BTC:

<p>Looking at BTC objectively from a fundamentals-first investment perspective; it is abundantly clear that it should not be taken seriously as an investment at all.</p> <p>BTC is an emperor with no clothes, without a foundation in utility or long-term security. Consequently making it a purely speculative asset, contrary to the original goals of the project.</p> <p>Here are fourteen reasons why Cyber Capital has not been invested in BTC since 2017:</p> <h1>1. No Capacity (Utility)</h1> <p>The block size limit fundamentally limits BTCs throughput to between 7-22 Transaction Per Second, which means it would take more than seventy years for everyone in the world just to do a single transaction.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>