Tag: four

How to gaze: Not in these four galleries

I started at Marc Calzada, just a block from my house. For a start the door was locked, which is an immediate barrier (art is for everyone?) but apparently I passed the sartorial test and he let me in. There were some eye catching bits and bobs around, but the raison d’etre seemed to be &ldquo...

Chapter Four. The Present

Sydney’s robust economy reflects and leads the rest of the country. An unprecedented record of continued financial growth has avoided a recession since 1991. With this backdrop of financial resilience, Sydney’s productivity and export performance have burgeoned and are anticipated to lea...

Living in 1,000 Square Feet as a Family of Four

Families were all the rage 100+ years ago; your big family was your life. How did it all change? We left our families behind when we moved from the farms into the city. However, it starts inside the nuclear family. The cost of raising kids has skyrocketed; therefore, we have fewer children. Th...

Four Facts That Should Make You Smile

I love that we are receiving a 3.2% increase in our Social Security retirement checks. But on a couple of recent Facebook posts on this topic, I was surprised by the number of people who turned this positive into a negative. One person replied that it wasn’t enough to keep up with inflation...

Chapter FOUR — Dear Christian: A Letter From CHRIST.

It is amazing to see the changes taking place in your mind since you started reading my words. Great transformations are taking place in your life because your mind is being renewed gradually in a certain order. Never get tired of your spiritual development for it is the very foundation of the life ...

Four political movements on the rise!

After the turbulent years around the time of Brexit, the election of Donald Trump, and Emmanuel Macron’s movement shaking up French politics, nowadays it seems like there are less political innovations — for better or worse — in the West. Of course, politics is never at a stands...

The “Four Circles” of the Violin: Generalising the System

The shape of the violin is a beautiful synthesis of visual and acoustic art. Its form has evolved with its music throughout its five-century history: first curvaceous and full, then made more slender and toned by musical virtuosity. At its core though, the shape of the violin has always been governe...