Four Facts That Should Make You Smile

<p>I love that we are receiving a 3.2% increase in our Social Security retirement checks. But on a couple of recent Facebook posts on this topic, I was surprised by the number of people who turned this positive into a negative.</p> <p>One person replied that it wasn&rsquo;t enough to keep up with inflation. I replied that as of last week, the inflation rate for 2023 averaged 3.1% so at least this increase kept pace. But instead of accepting that, he asked if I really believed that inflation was only 3.1%.</p> <p>That reply saddened me. We must believe something and in this case, your choice is to believe the government&rsquo;s numbers and be happy or choose to believe the people that are telling you not to trust those numbers and be angry.&nbsp;I will always err on the side of happiness.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: four facts