Tag: Forgot

Tears And Broken Bonds: The Day My Daughter Forgot Me

Six months had passed since I’d seen my baby girl. I thought about Victoria every day, but I hesitated to call because I’d have to deal with Rebecca, the aunt who had taken my daughter during my mental health crisis. Even though I regretted letting her go, at the time I was in no conditi...

What Do Children Know About the Mystical and Quantum Physics That We Adults Forgot

When my son was a three-year-old, I was rushing him to get dressed so we could make it to Unity church, where I was the temporary Youth Director. I told him we were going to be late. He looked up at me with big brown eyes and said, “Mommy, there’s no such thing as time.” I took ...

What Do Children Know About the Mystical and Quantum Physics That We Adults Forgot

When my son was a three-year-old, I was rushing him to get dressed so we could make it to Unity church, where I was the temporary Youth Director. I told him we were going to be late. He looked up at me with big brown eyes and said, “Mommy, there’s no such thing as time.” I took ...