What Do Children Know About the Mystical and Quantum Physics That We Adults Forgot

<p>When my son was a three-year-old, I was rushing him to get dressed so we could make it to Unity church, where I was the temporary Youth Director. I told him we were going to be late. He looked up at me with big brown eyes and said, &ldquo;Mommy, there&rsquo;s no such thing as time.&rdquo;</p> <p>I took a beat. He was right, and I knew it. Still, I responded,</p> <p>&ldquo;Yes, that&rsquo;s true, but there are people waiting for us to be somewhere, so we have to finish getting dressed.&rdquo;</p> <p>That appeased him, or maybe his inherent awareness of things both esoteric and here and now allowed my answer to make sense. He let me finish helping him dress. We were only a few minutes late.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/mystic-minds/what-do-children-know-about-the-mystical-and-quantum-physics-that-we-adults-forgot-2c378a2ce77e"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Adults Forgot