Tag: foreigner

Unexpected job hunting experience in London as a foreigner — Episode 1

Check what resources I might have before flying I used to mainly work in digital marketing, and project management in Taiwan, and I’ve learned English though, but if I plan to work in digital marketing and project management in the UK with a one-year working holiday visa, I didn’t see...

The Day I Visited Rio de Janeiro Through the Lens of a Foreigner

It was 2 am. We arrived in Rio on October 12th at dawn. We were tired. But excited for the days to come. After 4 days in Panama (I shared a few of my first impressions in this article), brushing up my Spanish and exploring new places, my feelings of going to Rio de Janeiro was a mixture of e...

Review of Foreigner

Since the appearance of the Babi-Baha’i religion on world stage in the middle of the nineteenth century, the Babi-Baha’i believers have been undergoing varying levels of persecution and/or discrimination throughout the Islamic world, and especially in the land of its origin, namely Iran....

What are the biggest cons of being a foreigner in Japan?

Being a foreigner in Japan comes with its own set of challenges, similar to the experience of expatriates in many other countries. Here are some of the more prominent downsides that you might find noteworthy: Language Barrier: -Technical Proficiency: While English is taught in schools, th...

How Long Does It Take for a Foreigner to Become a U.S. Citizen

Embarking on the journey to become a U.S. citizen is a dream for many around the world. But, how long does it take for this dream to become a reality? For those struggling to find their way in the complex maze of U.S. immigration, understanding the timeline and process is crucial. Let&rsqu...