Tag: Forces

Wagner Forces Have Started Training Belarusian Troops. How Bad Is It?

It is abundantly clear as to what kind of man Putin today is, and what kind of man, that some call a puppet to Putin, Lukashenko is. Not all Wagner forces are located in Russia, a lot of Wagner forces moved to Belarus, after Wagner leader received a call from Lukashenko to end all this nonsense...

How Society Forces Autistics to Become Inhibited & Passive

Eric, a Black queer parent in his forties had to spend years looking for a psychiatrist who would even entertain assessing him as Autistic. He knew he wanted the potential legal protections that a diagnosis could afford him, particularly the option to take qualifying exams for graduate school in ...

How actually doing good science demonstrated that science in the EU is governed by totalitarian forces

Through a successful experiment, I merged the artificial intelligence field with quantum mechanics. I invented an algorithm that beats any other way of doing quantum chemistry by orders of magnitude. That’s great, right? Well, no. Since I did that and was trying to publish it, my career pro...

“Dark Matter & Energy: The Invisible Forces Shaping Our Universe”

In our visible universe, which includes Earth, the sun, stars, and galaxies, things are mostly made of tiny particles called protons, neutrons, and electrons that form atoms. However, what’s really surprising is that only a small part of the universe, less than 5%, is made of this regular matt...

The Invisible Force That Preserves Life On Earth

Did you know that in space, sound does not propagate? This makes space the quietest place and the most dangerous in the universe. The forces at play thousands of kilometers above our heads are unimaginably powerful. However, our planet faces these forces...