Tag: Folding

The First Grade Folding Chair Fiasco

Having a disability means learning to make your way in a world that isn’t accessible. From ages two to seven, I attended a specialized preschool for “crippled” children in a hospital. I spent most of the day in physical, speech, and occupational therapies to try to “fix&rd...

How The Folding Chair Has Become A Symbol Of The Black Resistance

Hi folks, unless you’ve been sleeping under a rock this past week, you must have heard about the Montgomery Brawl and the «folding chair» incident by now. If not, here is a small recap. A Black boat captain was assaulted by a white man when he asked said white man to m...

How The Folding Chair Has Become A Symbol Of The Black Resistance

Hi folks, unless you’ve been sleeping under a rock this past week, you must have heard about the Montgomery Brawl and the «folding chair» incident by now. If not, here is a small recap. A Black boat captain was assaulted by a white man when he asked said white man to m...

The Next Generation of Protein Folding Prediction:Alphafold 3

AlphaFold burst onto the scene in 2020, stunning researchers by reliably predicting protein structures — a feat considered an intractable challenge for AI. Proteins are the microscopic workhorses that drive nearly all biological processes, but determining their intricate 3D shapes requires dif...