The Next Generation of Protein Folding Prediction:Alphafold 3

<p>AlphaFold burst onto the scene in 2020, stunning researchers by reliably predicting protein structures &mdash; a feat considered an intractable challenge for AI. Proteins are the microscopic workhorses that drive nearly all biological processes, but determining their intricate 3D shapes requires difficult, expensive laboratory techniques.</p> <p>AlphaFold enabled computational prediction of these shapes using deep learning algorithms trained on known protein structures. This allowed protein structures to be solved with ease and at scale for the first time.</p> <p>Researchers worldwide began using AlphaFold&rsquo;s predictions to accelerate work on disease treatments, novel enzymes, and more. An updated version called AlphaFold 2 arrived shortly after, improving accuracy further.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>