Tag: Fluid

The State of Fluid Web Typography

Fluid typography gives us so many opportunities to better design the reading experiences on the web but, at the same time, it introduces problems of font sizes scaling uncontrollably and potential accessibility issues. Is fluid web typography ready to be used? Matej Latin · F...

Coming Out Story As Gender-Fluid

18years old, standing in line to go for weight in before a boxing fight. Many fighters are staring. How can that person who’s bald and dressed in guys clothes be in the line for women? They probably wondered. I wondered if it would be less painful if I changed the line. But it would be m...

Create Your Own Finite Volume Fluid Simulation (With Python)

The equations that evolve these parameters in time can be written as the Euler equations in primitive form: Here γ is the ideal gas adiabatic index parameter. For example, a monatomic ideal gas has γ=5/3. The parameter appears in the calculation of the local fluid ...

The Amniotic Fluid of the Ancients: How Spirituality Once Nourished Humanity

The medial temporal lobe is a cerebral region crucial for the consciousness of the self and the spiritual experience. It includes structures like the hippocampus, the amygdala, the parahippocampal gyrus and the entorhinal cortex. Numerous studies demonstrate its key role in self-awareness. Medial...

Home can be a sturdy structure and, at the same time, a fluid sensation.

Prior to investigating what home and belonging meant to others, I asked myself what home and belonging meant to me. My definition of the words home and belonging were heavily intertwined. When I am with my loved ones I can be anywhere in the world and feel at home. When my loved ones are not around,...