Tag: Flash

Betrayal at its worst for Flash and the Outsiders!

Unlike Firestorm where our hero doesn’t even remember the Manhunter in his life, the Flash encounters someone very different in his path, but first, he has to make his escape from Russia! Art by Jackson Guice and Larry Mahlstedt. Owned by DC Comics and used for review purposes...

The Most Compact Lighting Setup Ever for Off-Camera Flash Photography

When shooting on the go, portability is key, especially when it comes to lighting gear. Over the last few years, advancements in off-camera flash photography gear have centered on making the gear more dependable and easier to use. On a recent shoot, Pye Jirsa took along what he calls the “most...

How to Capture Natural Light Portraits with Flash

When it comes to flash photography, a lot of photographers mistakenly assume that flash can’t look natural. Of course, this simply isn’t true. In fact, we can show you, step-by-step, how to make your flash photography look as though you only used natural light. The “secret” l...