Tag: Firearms

The Firearms Freedom and Responsibility Act 0f 2024

This bill is crafted to be a beacon of responsible governance, balancing individual rights with the public good. It seeks to affirm the dignity of the individual, the sanctity of life, and the responsible stewardship of the right to bear arms, with a clear vision of a more secure and united nation u...

Judge Temporarily Blocks California Firearms Law

Right narrative, as provided by PJ Media. Democrats are constantly trying to find ways around laws they don’t like — even if that means writing new, unconstitutional laws. The Supreme Court in its Bruen decision set the standard gun laws have to meet to withstand a challenge, yet Ca...

NRA National Firearms Museum, Fairfax, VA

I was going into this museum with a plan to spend there no more than an hour — hour and half. I mean, how long do you need to look at guns, amirite? Wrong. The museum collection is huge. For the first ten minutes I was under the impression that they just stuck all these rifles into glas...